Feeling a bit guilty for neglecting this blog. So a few random things... hell YES, my 49ers had a huge victory today.....The new Girls album, Father Son Holy Ghost, is truly great; they are exanding by leaps and bounds with each release.... and I am SO glad that Fall is here...cool temperatures for my sensitive Irish skin; football; barbecues; and beer tastes best in the Fall.
Now if I could just meet a cook chick, then things would get really over the top.
PS I'm also thinking of getting more into recreational pill-taking, something mild. Just once in awhile. Any recommendations or observations are welcome. DONT YOU JUDGE ME.

Now if I could just meet a cook chick, then things would get really over the top.
PS I'm also thinking of getting more into recreational pill-taking, something mild. Just once in awhile. Any recommendations or observations are welcome. DONT YOU JUDGE ME.

Next fall teach at another school. Lots of ladies down here in socal. And I'm using my VA small business loan to start a pub. Our Irish asses could drink. Because Lord knows I love booze. In fact, I'm hammered right now.