Impressions of Portland, from earlier this week: Rainy. Painfully hip. Awesome cafes. Awesome women. Lots of young couples with babies. Lots of trees. Lots of book stores. Lots of crazy homeless people, many of whom seem boisterous (no less than two of them claiming to be "back in town!" in my presence, and with self-aggrandizing nicknames which I can't remember-- something like "Mr. Smooth is back in town!"). And lots of one way streets. Overall, I liked it. The people were really nice.
Things don't pick up around here by year's end, I'm-a look strongly at Portland.
(Oh yeah, birthplace of SG, too. And how could I forget the bazillion strip clubs-- er, "gentlemen's clubs"?)
Things don't pick up around here by year's end, I'm-a look strongly at Portland.
(Oh yeah, birthplace of SG, too. And how could I forget the bazillion strip clubs-- er, "gentlemen's clubs"?)

Advice well given sir.