Heh heh... never drive ten hours, go work out at the gym, then take an ambien at 3 in the morning. I will admit, I probably could've fixed my typos, but it would've taken me a looooong time. I was kind of druggily amused at my inability to focus.
On a side note... this keyboard sucks so bad (cheap Gateway laptop) that most of my sentences are damn near that bad when first typed. Which is one reason I just picked up a MacBook. As soon as I finish transferring my music onto this laptop, then put the info on an external hard drive and transfer it to my Mac, I'm done with this piece of crud for all intents and purposes. Every third letter needs to be re-typed; and I find remote keyboards kinda awkward.
Had a lot of fun this weekend-- I went down to SoCal and visited two old friends. I knew that one of my friends had a bar; I didn't know it would be the best beer bar I've ever been to (Blue Palms in Hollywood). Also, when we went out back to shoot the shit in his "VIP Lounge" (a plastic table by the garbage bins in an alley), we had a view into the side enrance of the club next door (the Music Box?), where the Black Lips were playing (one of my favorite modern bands). It was like a friend circle plus awesome background music.
The next day, another friend and I took his disabled daughter for a walk around a Donald Trump golf course. So that was interesting. HIs big face and name everywhere. I wouldn't pay for something with Trump's name on it-- if I was a heroin addict and his face was on the needle, I'd go through withdrawals.
Now I'm off to hike and explore new trails in Howarth Park.
(Bonus points to anyone who could figure out what I actually wrote last night. I did have a point, believe it or not. Muzzily expressed, but it's there...)

On a side note... this keyboard sucks so bad (cheap Gateway laptop) that most of my sentences are damn near that bad when first typed. Which is one reason I just picked up a MacBook. As soon as I finish transferring my music onto this laptop, then put the info on an external hard drive and transfer it to my Mac, I'm done with this piece of crud for all intents and purposes. Every third letter needs to be re-typed; and I find remote keyboards kinda awkward.
Had a lot of fun this weekend-- I went down to SoCal and visited two old friends. I knew that one of my friends had a bar; I didn't know it would be the best beer bar I've ever been to (Blue Palms in Hollywood). Also, when we went out back to shoot the shit in his "VIP Lounge" (a plastic table by the garbage bins in an alley), we had a view into the side enrance of the club next door (the Music Box?), where the Black Lips were playing (one of my favorite modern bands). It was like a friend circle plus awesome background music.
The next day, another friend and I took his disabled daughter for a walk around a Donald Trump golf course. So that was interesting. HIs big face and name everywhere. I wouldn't pay for something with Trump's name on it-- if I was a heroin addict and his face was on the needle, I'd go through withdrawals.
Now I'm off to hike and explore new trails in Howarth Park.
(Bonus points to anyone who could figure out what I actually wrote last night. I did have a point, believe it or not. Muzzily expressed, but it's there...)

I've never seen Kick Ass, but I'm going to assume that's a good thing??
Have fun hiking!