So I went to see Jello Biafra last night, and in true punk rock fashion, he was super late, so I ended up going down the street to a pub, fiddling with my Blackberry and watching the Giants lose. (Positive note: I actually posted on Twitter, which I rarely do, unless I'm bored gormless.)

I went back to the show, still no Jello; but there...
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Isn't Zoo the one about the farm in Washington and the Boeing worker who died after an encounter with a horse? Saw that a few years ago. Strange little movie.

Sucks about Jello.
That sucks that Jello Biafra never showed up! frown I find it funny though, that their t-shirt and merchandise stand did. shocked I guess they had to make money somehow. Isn't it funny when you are consider "famous" that you can get away with stuff that like. One would think that not showing up for shows would greatly hurt their fan base and they would be concerned about that. Evidently not!! I am just sorry that you pretty much wasted your night. Hey, you recovered by watching an awesome documentary about "bestiality!" That had to be much better than a concert, right? Obviously not. So I am sorry that you had to exchange one for the other. I do not know if I should feel out of the loop or not, but I have never heard of this movie called "Zoo!" I am not certain I would actually want to watch it although it may be somewhat amusing! biggrin
I just want to say: Thank you, Jeebus, for the Flaming Lips. So much goodness.
i heard she had a billboard in LA? that's taking it a little far. i just use the song for laughs. it's just insane the lyrics that come out of her mouth.
ha, why thank you sir biggrin

and no need for shameful feelings, i tend to disappear from the site for months at a time, so it's probably my fault haha tongue
Spring Break, and I'm all about the free time. No, I don't attend a university-- I'm a teacher. You know, the evil people that are driving this country to ruin, as we drive around in our Rolls (Rollses?), lighting our illegal Cuban cigars with $100 dollar bills. Why? Because we CAN, motherfucker. Now do your homework.

Of course I kid. My big excitement tomorrow will...
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why not some ass? i love a nice ass
sounds like gods trying to make me miss class. =_=
I seem to be entering that fabled zone know as I-Don't-Give-a-Fuck. I mean that in a good way. With just enough social interaction and freedom to feel that life does hold some good surprises in store.

Yet that does not mean I can't get a case of the Sunday Sads, as I seem to have today. I've had them ever since I was kid, and...
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I don't think it has as much to do with the SGs themselves as maybe its because a lot of the folk here are very artistic types, and artsy folk tend to wear their emotions on their sleeves? Having said that, I do feel free-er to write more 'how I feel' posts here, because everyone else seems to, like you said. Facebook does have a different feel to it, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Ommmm, zennnn?
Haven't noticed the Sunday thing on here more than anywhere else, it's pretty universal mind! I'm usually too busy working anyway wink
If I could punch God in the face, I would totally pull the punch; then I'd pull a tearful God to my bosom in a bro-hug, and be like, "Just funnin ya, Big Guy." God's been through a lot.

Saw a kind of lite jazz concert tonight. How do these things happen?
Yes! I will keep at it; you all just need to support me! Which so far, seems to be panning out quite smoothly, thanks smile
Give it time, man. It'll get boring. SF isn't so far away so that's cool. You might like sonoma county, i've just lived here too long.
I wonder if you could get arrested for standing by the side of a busy road, and working out with Shake Weights, while smiling? It's just a thought.
Car 87'd ya. The psych nurse & plain clothes officer are on their way.
Like a lot of people, I tend to blog a bit more when I'm upset and need to get something out of my system. But right now I'm feeling really good, and so damn it, I just wanted to say that. For the first time in a long while, my social life seems to be picking up; I've lost weight and have started looking good...
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It works, I can highly recommend smile

Good to hear that life is fine for you, good on ya!
Thanks for the kind words!

Your day sounds pleasant. What are you reading?
Ex texts out of nowhere. Then ex calls. We have a two hour talk. Ex tells me she's lonely, this despite the fact that she's just finished college and works at Whole Foods, which is chock full of her type of people, many of them young. Ex tells me she spends a lot of time alone. Tells me she's only gone out with one guy...
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I'm never very good at it myself, since my last actual relationship was in 2006, but people never act very rationally after a break-up. I have noticed, though, for better long term mental health its usually better to move on and not get too fixated on any exes (not that I've followed my own advice, but friends who did seemed happier in the long run).
yeeeeah, her phone's not broken, she just wants to make sure you're ready and willing to be at her disposal. It only gets uglier from here, if you don't steer clear. I don't know your history with this woman, but from a female perspective, it sounds like she's only got her interests in mind.
You don't have to be her friend or be her support. You don't have to give her the benefit of the doubt, either.
Today I realized what the people on this site have in common. I'd had a hard time explaining the site to some of my friends-- I think some of them just assumed it was some kind of porn site.

So the things that SG members have in common is that they're aesthetes, I think-- they appreciate aesthetics, how important they are in life, on every...
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Very interesting. Me personally I don't care if people think I'm "cool" or not. People can think what they want. But this site is a lot better than most other social networking sites out there. It's not just an alt-porn site, it has something for everybody. Sure it's a pay site but I'd much rather be on here than on Twitter. FUCK TWITTER!
It's not so much what other people think is cool, but what I think is cool. I think reading is cool, lol, but a lot of people don't. And I think SG is very cool, and hot at the same time.
So my ex just texted and wants to be friends again. Not sure how I feel abut that. I think it'd be too hard for me; but then again, I don't want her to drift away, and I like her more than anyone else I've ever known. I'm just not sure how I would handle it.

I told her to call me sometime, see how...
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First off, I think "Rejected Set" would make a great band name.

Went to San Francisco on my monthly Mindless Self-Indulgence trip-- Amoeba Records, Green Apple Book Store, plus a cafe and Chinese food. Nahmmmzz...

Scored some great out-of-print books: Ed Sanders' The Family, a hippie-poet's take on the Manson Family (subtitled, "The Story of Charles Manson's Dune Buggy Attack Battalion", so you know what...
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Books (especially history) are my pleasure and my addiction. When moving time comes I hate them and swear I'm going to thin out my library (but I never do).