Flaming Lips at the Harmony Festival last night: Mindbending and pretty, with occasional death-squawks of guitar and synth-- just the way I like them. Plus giant rabbits and catfish and scantily clad chicks and lasers and confetti. There is no way not to love it.lovemiao!!loveoinklove
Nice, man! I wanted to see them a couple months ago when they were in the area but all my friends sucked and didn't want to go.
Nice day. Productive: hiking, studying, cleaning, reading. Fun: meeting new people, lots of good conversation, kratom tea. Then the Giants come back from 4 down to win in 13. Good, good, good. biggrin
what are you reading? smile
One of these days, I hope to answer the phone and hear the sounds of a dog chewing on the other end. Just a dog nomm-ing a phone. I would achieve nirvana. Who says I'm not a simple person?
Thank you for the thoughtful response on my blog.
Your quote was spot on.

A long time ago my dad handed me the Dale Carnegie book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" because, apparently, I was a huge bitch.

It took me a long time to work up the motivation to even read it. When I did it was extremely helpful. But I still have a lot of work to do, even if it has been years since I've taken the advice in that book.

It's a process.


Happy birthday!
Memorial Day Weekend + Gloomy Weather = Desire for coffee and classic movies. A simple equation.
Believe me, I would love a moray eel. However, it would eat everything in this particular tank lol. I'm thinking about setting up another tank for aggressive. I'm thinking a snowflake eel and a dwarf lionfish would be fun to work with biggrin
I wonder if there are any meds that can, um, tone down the temper (and sadness) a lot, without too many side effects? Like a daily thing. I think the time has come to try it. I get riled waaay too easily. I wish it weren't true, but I must admit it is. Fuck, my dad was a scary dude, my grandpa was a scary...
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Talking to a therapist seems like the place to start (your friends on meds can probably recomend one). smile

Your summer plans sound good, being healthy and outdoors always improves my attitude.
Anybody else notice all the short-haired blondes dominating SG right now? Is this some kind of sociological experiment?
I think it is a tend. I have not noticed just the short haired blondes, but short hair period. It seems to really popular right now. Some girls can pull off short hair, while others cant. Myself, I have a rounder face so if I go too short I look like I have chubby cheeks. Therefore, I prefer to keep it long. My boyfriend likes it longer too!
I hear ya. Yeah, forgot the rose parade. I was in it one time back in 97. Rifle team or some stuff. Um, weather has been off and on. Nice then foul. So I'll got out and get a good ride in there. And right on for summer vacation. I'm jealous, man. Get paid all summer to chillax.
You have to love Facebook. Just checked my page and found that two ex-crushes (one serious, one not so) just got engaged. Their announcements were about two inches apart on the page.

My official response to that is going to be: getting drunk and watching "G.G. Allin: Live and Pissed". Who needs domesticity?

Thank you for the kind words. I'm a very visual person, always have been, so that kind of lends itself to the introspection, I guess. Interesting that you were listening to GG Allin when you wrote your own blog up there...sometimes when i'm at the deep end, I start to think he had the right idea.
I hate the shit out of FB. How's thing in rose town?
Friday night: Kale boiling, Kevin Smith Smodcast going, perusing SG. It's not Studio 54 ca. 1978; but hell, it's a Friday.

Friday the 13TH!!!!!skullskullskullskull

(Hopefully that last part scared you.)eeek
You ever get poison oak? How long does it last?

I have it (from hiking last weekend), in a weird w-shape on my right shin. It's very vivid and nasty-looking, but hardly bothers me at all. I wonder if I'll have a w-scar.

In other news, I actually wrote to someone on a dating site. First time ever for me. She seemed witty and imaginative,...
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No idea with the poison oak! Good luck with dating endeavours though smile
He is better, or so he tells me. He's sat with his back to me now. Pah! miao!!
I have to admit, I didn't think today would be so hard. Been just over a year since I lost my mom, and even though I think I'm adjusted pretty well to not having her around, sometimes it just sneaks up on me. I guess it shouldn't surprise me; but I don't always understand my own emotions.

Maybe it'd be different if I had a...
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I am so sorry that you lost your mother. *hugs* It is days like this that makes missing them so hard. You never stop thinking about a loved one that you have lost, but you tend to reminisce more on days like this. Be glad that you were one of the lucky ones to have a good mother. Some of us aren't so lucky. I hope you find something today to cheer you up a bit.
Currently making a comp for a friend's birthday, and this shit's turning epic. It always does. I love making music comps for other people, and every time I do I end up getting really into it, being a perfectionist and whatnot. This one is ending up mellow and uplifting, which is shocking (you never know what direction a comp will take, I guess), and has...
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I'm not really asking any favors--I was just spoofing some nasty business I ran across yesterday... wink
That is exactly how you get women hahah
Allergies, I will destroy you! You and your little friends, "grass" and "wind" and "Spring". Beware my ...ACH-OOO!!!... wrath.

[Goes off to get box of tissues, sniffling.]
I think you get an award for making it out of Clearlake after living there from 10 years.
Aww I hope you have the lotionized tissues so your nose doesn't get tender!