Locked myself out of my apartment when I went cycling today; and I had to wait several hours for my landlord to return from the south bay. So I biked all around Santa Rosa and am now slightly burnt/cooked all over. I feel like an irradiated beet.confused
Thats the thing, I grew up mostly deaf so my taste in music is shockingly inept. Everything I listen to now that I have my new hearing aids is a mishmash of stuff other people felt I should be indoctrinated into...some grunge, some country, Weird Al, Johnny Cash, some gabgster rap. I don't have really have any cohesive musical tastes. What soundtrack/movie would you recommend?

Mmmm..irradiated beets.
Derp! Opeth mug met an untimely death thanks to Mister Vlad kitty, grrr. Attempts to source a replacement are so far fruitless blackeyed
As a coda to the recent soap opera I've blogged about, it's ended quite simply: all of the girls in that group just stopped talking to me. I guess that hook-up fucked things up all around; strangely, I don't regret it. (And I think the silent treatment is a bit cowardly; I'm still not sure what I did wrong, and to whom.) On the other...
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I came to your profile to check in and thoughtfully reply to your blog, but now the only thing on my mind is convincing you to post the sheep mask picture.
Every so often, I go to Wikipedia and read about Danzig. I find it strangely comforting.skull
someday smile
Great plan! Hehe, fun and requires little to no discipline. My kind of workout!
Relationships, schmelationships. Everyone's crazy anyways, including me. blush
So that other thing didn't really get off the ground. Spent the last couple weekends by myself, just doing the usual. We'll see how things play out over the next few months. If things don't pick up, it'll be time to start planning my next move.

I did go out to see some music on Friday night, but I saw some chick from my new...
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Hahahaha. Sorry it scared you!
thanks for your comment on my film list - mind you that's just last year's! I have loved film since I saw La Strada back in high school and realized just what movies could be...
On vacation for a couple of lazy days in Santa Cruz. I have no major plans, other than to wander around, read and eat, which is pretty much what I like to do, given the time. I've already been to Pizza My Heart 3 times, which is ridiculous but godDAMN their pizza is good.

In more interesting news, after being single for what's felt like...
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Aww, thanks smile I could really do with some sunshine right about now! This winter has dragged for an age, especially after our disappointing summer last year. I think my primary school teachers were a bit grumpy! Roman Catholic schooling, I'll leave it at that smile

Sounds like things are going well for you, good luck with the new prospect wink
In class today, I looked up just in time to see a kid lean over and vomit all over his textbook; then lean over and vomit into his backpack. I told him, It's OK, you can go to the bathroom, 'cause the poor kid looked all guilty. Then he vomited on the floor, in the garbage can, and in the hallway on his way out....
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I'm surprised the others didn't start puking...I would've. You are fucking professional!
A professional and a man of fortitude!
The rarest of rare: I actually took a Sick Day today. It wasn't a Super Bowl Hangover, I was just fighting a cold, and was DEAD tired when I woke up. It was so nice to sleep in, and I did until 11, which is unheard of for me. After a leisurely visit to the cafe, then I was very productive, working out and cleaning...
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Coffee, jog, drive, beach, barbecue, wine, movie, rePEAT.

Vicious cycle.
I love the beach, I miss it like a long lost lover.
Xmas vacation MAY kill me... I'm not using to having so much free time and good food... it's decadent, I tells ya.

Tonight I went out with a new friend for dinner, but I suspect she would like to be more than friends... but I don't think I'm interested in her that way, which makes some things awkward. I guess I'll have to talk to...
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I had two days of mega overindulgence, I felt so bad!
Good luck with the ladies! All the best for the new year smile
As we approach the darkest days of the year, it seems that people are moodier, a least the people that I've encountered. Thank God for Xmas and the other holidays to lighten things up. I'm kind of over the capitalist-pig-gift frenzy, though I take part in it for my family's sake; but I do like the holidays, and the lights, and the food, and seeing...
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Sorry not to be in touch earlier--I'll be posting my year-end movie roundup on FB and elsewhere sometime in January and will make sure to hook you up. Yeah, at this point I'm ready to throw a few people out of the world, except that they're not worth the effort...

Have a super Christmas, friend!
Would it be wrong just to check in and say I'm happy and healthy, pretty much?

OK, just a few random details of my day... It's dark as hell early, so I've been rushing home to jog, bike, etc, and have been pretty good about it this Fall, for perhaps the first time ever... It's so easy to fall off the work-out wagon this time...
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No, it's not wrong to be happy. That's awesome smile