About to go to Mexico (near Puerto Vallarta) for a week. Beach, books, friends, margaritas, hot tub... It's going to be a good Thanksgiving, I think. If anyone has any suggestions for sights and sounds and tastes down there, I'd love to hear 'em. I'm excited. I'm even flying first class for the first time in my life (got a deal). I'm feeling spoiled, but...
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That sounds awesome!! Have fun. smile
Just got a new ipod and I'm dowloading about a bazillion songs from my music collection, which is ridiculously large and growing all the time.
That.Is. What. She. Said.

(my least mature post ever! yes!)
Just emailed an ex-girlfriend in Turkey. She's sad because she's stationed-- as a psychiatrist-- in some little nowhere city for 500 days. So I cheered her up, I hope; but at the same time, I'm kind of sad sitting here on a quiet Friday night, no one to see here in the city. Too bad she had to go and get married when I was...
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Straight man love is good love dude.... smile

I only blog when I'm sad...
Saw the post-Danzig Misifits this weekend in Santa Rosa. They kind of took a Ramones approach: play everything loud and fast, with no pause for breathing. In that, it was effective, and fun. It ain't the inspired macho insanity of Danzig, but it is a good thing.

Perspective: I went with an old friend who has two kids and almost never gets out, let alone...
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I usually keep running outside in the winter, unless it's blizzard like outside, OR very windy. I actually had my picture in the paper a few winters ago, and the title was "Now That's Dedication".
That's awesome. I hope you framed it.
Damn, Halloween is always upon me before I can think of a great costume idea. I need to start planning NOW for next year. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

Years ago, we asked my little (male) cousin what he wanted to be for Halloween. He answered, inexplicably, "A girl snake." We still haven't figured that one out, I'm sure it's super-mega-Freudian.

So if I can't...
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Thank you. Photoshopped it myself.
Lol very drunk yes but is halloween is normal, no?
Orange and black: watching my favorite baseball team make an unexpected run at winning it all.
Orange and black: submersing myself in Halloween, which I love-- Lovecraft, horror films, music and decorations.
Orange and black, and blue: the colors of the sky as I drove to work this morning. The mountains and sky were beautiful.
Nice weekend. My hs's football team kicked ass for their homecoming. (I'm a teacher, not a student.) My soccer team played their best game yet. Had a kick-ass lunch at In n Out. Went to a Hootenanny and heard great music, ate great barbecue, and was chatted up by a gorgeous girl ('cause of my Black Keys t-shirt). Then I got fucked up on good...
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"Life's simple pleasures are the best!" Name that TV commercial jingle...
I don't know, but I suspect it has something to do with coffee.
Told two old friends this week that I pretty much didn't want to see them anymore, not for a loooong time. One is a guy who basically bailed on me last year, when my girl broke up with me and my Mom was dying. The motherfucker-- supposedly one of my best friends-- didn't so much as call me for five months, even though he knew...
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Knew it was going to happen man. Actually, once Lirano blew it in Game 1 and they went up 4-3 I turned to my roommate and said, "That's it. That's the series" and sadly, I was right.

They put themselves in that spot by giving up after they clinched. Granted, there were injuries, but still....lost 8 of their last 10? Give me a break.
So I've managed to avoid my ex for an entire year, despite living in the same city and having the same interests. Then I go to the Black Keys concert in Oakland last night, and come face to face with her in the t-shirt line. I had wondered what I would do in this situation for the past year. Would I freak out, would she...
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A strange and sad thing happened this week: one of my students died. He was here Monday, gone Tuesday, and on Wednesday they announced over the loudspeakers at school that he was dead. Today is Thursday, and there were memorial posters to him all over the quad. I kept thinking, "But he was just here..."

I didn't know him very well, he seemed nice. It's...
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I hear you brother, Life does go on... life must go on!
I myself am a Marine Corps combat vet, and know all too well how quickly life can be taken from one. Thus is why I now believe in...
Carpes Diem!
Seize the Day!