i think i'm offically settled in madison now. the apartment is looking quite like a real person lives here and a got a really decent bike so now i am mobile. the drive up was not as bad as one would think... the best/worse part was going through nevada and utah during a thunderstorm. random flashes of lightening are amazingly beautiful, yet pretty scary. the cats were great little travellers and slept pretty much the whole way... i couldn't tell if it was their regular cat behavior or something the hum of the engine does to them. school starts soon... i can't decide how i feel about that yet, but mostly i'm excited. i'm having fun eating out (ate Sophia's today... a couple blocks from my place), visiting thrift stores and being a "tourist"... if you count visiting the captiol being a tourist. i can't wait for autumn because i can just tell this town is going to be beautiful. here's to the next 5 years....

you live close to Sophia's....that's my old neiborhood cool,
i lived around that area when i first moved here, there's these tennis courts behind sophia's on dayton st ontop of the water something or other building, if you like tennis its cool, open 24 hours, thats a great neiborhood