mission accomplished. 1 bedroom, hardwood floors, 1 block from the bus, all utilities paid except for electricity.... move in date August 15th.
i have no furniture and i'm driving up to madison during the summer. hopefully i can get some thrift store furniture along the way...
may is officially my most hectic month especially since my commencement from sfsu is to take place at the end of the month....
lots of drinking and merriment expected!
how your may coming along?
editted because i can't be bothered to proofread the first time around.
mission accomplished. 1 bedroom, hardwood floors, 1 block from the bus, all utilities paid except for electricity.... move in date August 15th.
i have no furniture and i'm driving up to madison during the summer. hopefully i can get some thrift store furniture along the way...
may is officially my most hectic month especially since my commencement from sfsu is to take place at the end of the month....
lots of drinking and merriment expected!

how your may coming along?
editted because i can't be bothered to proofread the first time around.
where is this glorious new place? you wanna buy my furniture, cause i'm moving to NYC in August. I got a desk, a coffee table, and a love seat.
i have a friend who goes there
graduation feels so far away