woo Hoo, Just what you wanted Another bike related Post
Tuesday of Last week i was biking home from work and I saw my girlfriend driving home about a mile from work so of course her and i wave and laugh. We go about the same way home so we pass each other a few times before i weave through traffic and pull away. I make a turn and get up this little hill near the zoo and then she passes me again. This is a nice long 1/2-3/4 mile straight-away with traffic at the end only so i decide to have fun and tuck in and pedal as hard as i can to try to catch up. I'm pumping away maniacally dropping into harder and harder gears gaining distance on her and then i look down at my speedometer. Did I just saw 40 flash at me? checking again, yes i did, except now it's 41. I need to slow down because of traffic but i pass her again (i love weaving through cars stopped at lights, even though it's wrong and illegal)
So i hit 41 mph on my bike. Had i planned a little better i would have put it into the hardest Chainring up front before starting and my have actually passed her !!
So because i had so much fun doing it on Tuesday night. I peadled my ass off again at that spot. Of course putting it in the Big chainring at the start. I didn't get as fast only 38 mph or so. But i think that was because i had class that night and i was leaving work/class 4 hours later than i usually do. And i think that i also started out in too hard of a gear.
I have a new goal: I will hit 50mph at that spot before the end of the summer
Oh BTW it's a 35mph zone... I was breaking the speed limit on my bike. THAT ROCKS
ok I go now.
Tuesday of Last week i was biking home from work and I saw my girlfriend driving home about a mile from work so of course her and i wave and laugh. We go about the same way home so we pass each other a few times before i weave through traffic and pull away. I make a turn and get up this little hill near the zoo and then she passes me again. This is a nice long 1/2-3/4 mile straight-away with traffic at the end only so i decide to have fun and tuck in and pedal as hard as i can to try to catch up. I'm pumping away maniacally dropping into harder and harder gears gaining distance on her and then i look down at my speedometer. Did I just saw 40 flash at me? checking again, yes i did, except now it's 41. I need to slow down because of traffic but i pass her again (i love weaving through cars stopped at lights, even though it's wrong and illegal)
So i hit 41 mph on my bike. Had i planned a little better i would have put it into the hardest Chainring up front before starting and my have actually passed her !!
So because i had so much fun doing it on Tuesday night. I peadled my ass off again at that spot. Of course putting it in the Big chainring at the start. I didn't get as fast only 38 mph or so. But i think that was because i had class that night and i was leaving work/class 4 hours later than i usually do. And i think that i also started out in too hard of a gear.
I have a new goal: I will hit 50mph at that spot before the end of the summer
Oh BTW it's a 35mph zone... I was breaking the speed limit on my bike. THAT ROCKS
ok I go now.
Go speed racer, go!