And on top of it all...I didn't get much sleep last night. Hell...I'm even in my PJ's still. I may just end up staying in them the rest of the day. All I've been doing so far is try and sleep. I'm hoping that's all I'm gonna need...and that through a nap or two...I'll feel better. I've caught a few really short winks...but nothing significant like I really want. I felt fine yesterday. I wasn't really around anybody except for the short time I went to the grocery store. I must've caught what I have from someone there. Oh well. Hopefully whatever it is I have is short lived and I'll be back to feeling normal again here soon. Fingers crossed!
And it stopped snowing. For now at least. I haven't actually looked at the forecast to see if more snow will be coming today or tomorrow...but it's not snowing now...and I'm glad for that! I certainly don't feel like having to go outside and shovel any snow...what with being sick and all. I'm sure there will be more coming soon though I imagine...tis the season ya know.
So...I'm trying to figure out what movie (or more like movies since I really don't feel like doing anything else) to watch today. Not sure what I'm in the mood for. I'm kinda curious... What movies do you like to watch when you're sick? When you're stuck at there a particular movie or kind of movie that you like to watch? Like I said...I'm I'm looking for suggestions too. lol
Well...that's about all I got for now. My brain doesn't seem to wanna cooperate much with me right now. I wish everybody a happy Wednesday! :)
Quote of the day: