- on thearcanecircle's page
-The Arcane Circle

Thanks you that is all.
-The Arcane Circle

And thanks for the link, I will have to find more of their music...

How have you been these days??

Clichs are life. And what clichs am I? Every day it is a new one I can write forever. One moment I am the smart nerd who is so quiet no one notices he is even there. The next I am chaos. Ever changing. A dynamic example of why it is a bad idea to underestimate people. Everyone is two face and has multiple personalities....
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i have mad respect for you sugar. and i liked this honest raw wild post. i like the way you form things, the thoughts.....................
and you are MANY THINGS. but im not gonna gush rite here

-The Arcane Circle


I should listen to myself.
-The Arcane Circle

U seem like such a cool guy =)
a lil more innitiative in men is always good....ive recently gone through getting ditched by a guy who didnt have any

ok, off to bed now...
you are hilraious and an amazing artist and my tree of life boy so

smoooooooooooooooooches to you for being so f'ing cute and making me laugh SO damn hard and other things mmmmmmm

I want to speak to you in music. A symphony of stories. Something different and beautiful.
Discover life and let it resonate.
Do not hear my words. Feel them. Close your eyes and be pushed into somthing new.
This place vibrates.
-From The Arcane Circle - http://arcanecircle.blogspot.com/

I got ditched before anything happened....the guy was a coward...

I've been there too many times as well, and yeah, it sucks.
On a brighter note, I have to say your profile picture is so beautiful.....almost poetic. Gets me drooling pretty much.
I'm gonna add u to my friends list. U've been ubber sweet

Come one and all and see the broken man, talking to himself
He sits and waits for something better, hell never find it here
The people touch his hair and pinch his cheek; he cant even feel it
There it goes again, hes listening to someone
He hears the bitter laughter
And all he wants to know is
Why------ does any of it matter? (I...
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Ppl around here don't really seem to think that....

I just kinda got ditched too...

That was so sweet. Thank u, I really appreciate it

PS: I love Stone Sour

The note I left had only three words on it. My already horrible hand writting was made worse by the speed at which I wrote them down. There was no time to write some long sort of goodbye essay. At least i felt there wasnt. I was done with this place and if i spent one minute longer here i would end up killing somebody....
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I think I have used that quote before. I would not doubt it. It is one of my favorites right along with "through hardship to the stars" which I think was birthed in trekie culture. But the first one is on my mind tonight. I cannot be sure exactly what Roethke meant by it...
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good luck to you, I am sure I will run into you on Myspace, although I have to warn you, I check that account maybe once every 3 months. I am not a fan of the Myspace thing.....
I wouldnt have much to say tho.....but i hope u get it worked out.