wow today was fast paced day. i had 11 emergency runs and 2 transfers in 9 hours. we get dispatched to a cardiac arrest. well it turns out that the cardiac arrest happened two weeks ago. the dude was dead and rotting. it stunk bad, and juices of decomposeing flesh was all in the carpet. and i had to decon my boots. it was fucking grosss. but i didnt puke. the police officer did though. it was funny. all and all it was a cool day.. just busy as hell. didnt have time to eat, or drink. so i was dehydrated sort of. when we got off at 5 i drank about a gallon of water.
if tommorro is as fun as today was i think i will explode with joy.
if tommorro is as fun as today was i think i will explode with joy.
If I believed in god I'd say, "god bless ya!" I guess I can substitute, "fate bless ya!"

blah rotten bodies! i got my EMT cert but never worked as one; i did a hospital rotation during training and it just freaked me out too much at the time.