last night was the first night i have ever thrown up because of something gross at work. I usually pride myself on an iron stomach. well around 1030 my dad calls me and warns me about a body that i need to do everything in my power to avoid picking up to take to DFS. seeing as how the person had been dead for about 8 or 9 days. well around 130am we hear another truck going to get it. then we get called out for lifting assistance. because the bitch was about 300 lbs. we get there and the bitch is swollen and mixing with the carpet. maggots are everywhere and you can smell it from teh street a good 100 yards away. so we get in full ppe (personal protective equipment) masks gowns about 5 layers of gloves. well we go in and have to move about 5 or 6 pieces of furnature. the police on scene are all wearing these gas masks they use for tear gas. our hepa masks are good at filtering out dangerous particles that cause infections and what not . but for smell it does nothing. so we get the body bag and start putting it under her. she is falling apart and busting open. maggot are coming from everywhere. and the smell gets worse. and i start to gag and then i have to run out and i throw up about a gallon of my dinner and coffee. after i get my whits about me and the rest of the people there get their throw up on as well. we go back inside and start pulling on her arms to move her up to center her in the body bag so we can zipp it up. well pulling on her arms you can feel your hands sinking into it and the muscles and tendons seperating. and the sounds and the putrid smell is horrible. well after we load it up in other ambulance the police spray us down with frabreez. and we go on our merry way.

Thanks for your comment on my last set!

Yuck. We are lucky out here... The Coroner does all the bagging.