i am founder and life long member of the jack ass of the month club. i have been bitching about how cold my room is for weeks now. when i just figured out today my window was open. it was covered up by my blinds and a curtain and is rarely opened. but now i feel like a dumb ass.
todays band practice was great
Yes it was.
what's the name?
what's the name?
so was mine. Buckling down for the show on the 31st. My bandmates were tired though. They were down south shooting The Transplants new video.
today was interesting.
we went to this house for a 65 year old lady who had a seizure. well her and her husband of 68 live alone. which isnt a problem with me. but dureing my scene size up when i walked into the room i noticed something interesting. they had an impressive collection of pornography video tapes. i asked the gentleman "do you live...
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we went to this house for a 65 year old lady who had a seizure. well her and her husband of 68 live alone. which isnt a problem with me. but dureing my scene size up when i walked into the room i noticed something interesting. they had an impressive collection of pornography video tapes. i asked the gentleman "do you live...
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that`s great, old people and sex. well, unless you stumble upon it.
What a jackass! I hate asshole drivers!
wow today was fast paced day. i had 11 emergency runs and 2 transfers in 9 hours. we get dispatched to a cardiac arrest. well it turns out that the cardiac arrest happened two weeks ago. the dude was dead and rotting. it stunk bad, and juices of decomposeing flesh was all in the carpet. and i had to decon my boots. it was fucking...
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If I believed in god I'd say, "god bless ya!" I guess I can substitute, "fate bless ya!"
blah rotten bodies! i got my EMT cert but never worked as one; i did a hospital rotation during training and it just freaked me out too much at the time.
well i havnet slept in like 27 hours. it is a weird feeling. my muscles are sore and what not. i am not going ot sleep today cause it will throw off my cycle of sleeping.
i worked all night in the ghetto land called prichard.
i worked all night in the ghetto land called prichard.
you've never been ice skating?!?!
that's a damn shame. you're missing out on one of the great pleasures in life. not to mention a great excuse to get someone to rub your thighs and ass the next day... "oh, i'm soooo sore, please?" *bats eyelashes*
that's a damn shame. you're missing out on one of the great pleasures in life. not to mention a great excuse to get someone to rub your thighs and ass the next day... "oh, i'm soooo sore, please?" *bats eyelashes*
one more day of office hell work. and then monday i go to the doctor and get clear to get back on the truck and i will be saved.
an up side to this misshap is i know how to write some fucking paperwork now.
an up side to this misshap is i know how to write some fucking paperwork now.
i hurt my back yesterday while picking up some fat bitch at a car wreck. really i wasnt lifting i more of caught her after someone else dropped her. so it is mainly my fault for catching her. i spent like 5 hours at the doctors offce getting x rays and drug and alchole test. they put me on some muscle relaxers and some anti...
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my mom told me this story last night that was really sad. a friend of hers grandson died from shock. not from an injury like most shock. but he had gotten a hamster for his 13th birthday. so he took it over to his friends house to show it too him. well the friends dog got ahold of it and ate it. the boy whos...
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today was dragging on and on. we only had like 5 calls. i drove slow as heck today and we just were dragging our feet all day. we will probally have a letter about it in my box monday. bwhahaha.
i have finnally done it. i have met the most irresponcable nurse of all time.
we get dispatched to someone haveing dizzy spells and fainting. we get there and it is a transfer to the hospital to see if the dude has had a stroke. anyone will tell you there is a golden hour for every stroke victum. well the doctor was doing rounds at...
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we get dispatched to someone haveing dizzy spells and fainting. we get there and it is a transfer to the hospital to see if the dude has had a stroke. anyone will tell you there is a golden hour for every stroke victum. well the doctor was doing rounds at...
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Haggis is badass.
i just watched a great show on mtv.
it is called snoop doggs frizzle or somethign like that.
it is funny as hell.
it is called snoop doggs frizzle or somethign like that.
it is funny as hell.
that's funny.
We joke all the time about how my roommie wears a helmet, only it's NOT a happy helmet, haha.
We joke all the time about how my roommie wears a helmet, only it's NOT a happy helmet, haha.
ok i have decided to go to some drastic ways to cure my cats from scratching on the windows tonight
1. i put ear plugs in last night. so i couldnt hear him stratch. i decided to do this when i heard him start stratching at 4 o clock. i am tinking about doing this from now on.
in other news i am going out...
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1. i put ear plugs in last night. so i couldnt hear him stratch. i decided to do this when i heard him start stratching at 4 o clock. i am tinking about doing this from now on.
in other news i am going out...
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try cutting your cats nails. my cat did that for awhile, then i realized it was cuz she was instincitvly trying to clip her nails. Or get something else for them to scratch on.
actually that is his door bell. he wants inside so he scratches. also he needs those nails to attack birds, dogs and squirels. so i cant be mean like that.
i got my atari today and hooked it up