well, I didn't really do anything important today. this girl that I went out on a date with Sunday told me last night she didn't want to date me anymore. ugh, she was really sweet too. whatever though, I guess that's just my luck eh?
**scratches another mark on wall**
but yeah, it's a new day, and that means here's a new chapter in my novel!!
Between Smoke and Cigarettes: Chapter 6
After lunch she walked down 3rd Street to the bar. The whole time she was nervous, heart beating with every step, almost as fast as the music she had listened to that morning. When she finally arrived there, she read the show flyers on the door and then went inside for what she hoped would be an extra-happy hour.
She sat down at the bar and ordered a PBR before she noticed that he was nowhere to be seen. She nervously gnawed on a bar pretzel, hoping that he would show up out of thin air.
Suddenly there was a huge crash coming from the back.
FUCK!! screamed a somewhat familiar voice.
Kates favorite bartender came out from the backroom looking obviously discouraged and walked right past her, only to explain what happened to the bar manager, who was stocking extra booze into the bar for the weekend rush. Eventually his eyes caught hers and the surprise in his face was more than apparent. He got an extra beer for her since she was almost done and lit a cigarette, smiling the entire conversation. Time passed on and they talked more and more, but eventually he had to go back to work. As she was leaving he lightly grabbed her hand and took a barely noticeable breath in.
Im sorry, I just realized that I have no idea what your name is, he said.
Its quite alright, my names Kate, she replied.
Hey Kate, Ive got an extra ticket for the Chk Chk Chk concert tomorrow night at the Bowery Ballroom, do you wanna be my dance partner? he asked. She became elated, since Chk Chk Chk was one of her favorite bands, and she didnt even have any idea they were coming to the Lower East Side.
Of course I will, Chk Chk Chk are fucking amazing!!! she squealed, trying not to show too much excitement. But first, whats your name? she inquired.

**scratches another mark on wall**
but yeah, it's a new day, and that means here's a new chapter in my novel!!
Between Smoke and Cigarettes: Chapter 6
After lunch she walked down 3rd Street to the bar. The whole time she was nervous, heart beating with every step, almost as fast as the music she had listened to that morning. When she finally arrived there, she read the show flyers on the door and then went inside for what she hoped would be an extra-happy hour.
She sat down at the bar and ordered a PBR before she noticed that he was nowhere to be seen. She nervously gnawed on a bar pretzel, hoping that he would show up out of thin air.
Suddenly there was a huge crash coming from the back.
FUCK!! screamed a somewhat familiar voice.
Kates favorite bartender came out from the backroom looking obviously discouraged and walked right past her, only to explain what happened to the bar manager, who was stocking extra booze into the bar for the weekend rush. Eventually his eyes caught hers and the surprise in his face was more than apparent. He got an extra beer for her since she was almost done and lit a cigarette, smiling the entire conversation. Time passed on and they talked more and more, but eventually he had to go back to work. As she was leaving he lightly grabbed her hand and took a barely noticeable breath in.
Im sorry, I just realized that I have no idea what your name is, he said.
Its quite alright, my names Kate, she replied.
Hey Kate, Ive got an extra ticket for the Chk Chk Chk concert tomorrow night at the Bowery Ballroom, do you wanna be my dance partner? he asked. She became elated, since Chk Chk Chk was one of her favorite bands, and she didnt even have any idea they were coming to the Lower East Side.
Of course I will, Chk Chk Chk are fucking amazing!!! she squealed, trying not to show too much excitement. But first, whats your name? she inquired.
hahaha so funny
you ARE a hipster just admit it.