so I'm t-minus five minus from leaving Raleigh for two weeks, and I think a huzzah is in order.
I shall have to say goodbye to all the things I love though, I shall miss them....
...bye guitars, bye amps, bye drumset, goodbye cowbell, I shall miss you so....bye Realplayer, bye cell phone, goodbye cheap tv, bye computer, goodbye Roby desktop, bye fancy monitor, bye boombox....bye everything...for 2 weeks.
anyway, I promise that if you e-mail me your address I will send you something in the mail, whether it be a small trinket or (most likely) a postcard telling you a dirty story.
so kiss me and smile for me. for I'm leaving on a jet plane. (but don't worry, I'll be back on SG in a few days or so).
I shall have to say goodbye to all the things I love though, I shall miss them....
...bye guitars, bye amps, bye drumset, goodbye cowbell, I shall miss you so....bye Realplayer, bye cell phone, goodbye cheap tv, bye computer, goodbye Roby desktop, bye fancy monitor, bye boombox....bye everything...for 2 weeks.

anyway, I promise that if you e-mail me your address I will send you something in the mail, whether it be a small trinket or (most likely) a postcard telling you a dirty story.
so kiss me and smile for me. for I'm leaving on a jet plane. (but don't worry, I'll be back on SG in a few days or so).
Have fun.
Don't hurt yourself.
And of course, don't do anything I wouldn't do.
I'm retarded. Have fun!