I am fucking hating Raleigh right now.
and hey, whatever happened to commenting on my journals. the past two have gone up without any comments. I remember in the good ol' days I used to have a page full of pink staring at me, and it was lovely.
and hey, whatever happened to commenting on my journals. the past two have gone up without any comments. I remember in the good ol' days I used to have a page full of pink staring at me, and it was lovely.

I havn't been commenting on journals lately cuz I havent had the time, and Ive been tired. The past two weeks Ive been working on getting tattooed, then healing, then get tattooed again, now healing again. Its taken a bit out of me cuz its on the lower half of my back. Yesterday my entire upper body ached, except my arms. Was very tired too cuz I didnt get good sleep.
I have read your journals.
Im sorry that you are so eager to be in love, and thats bumming you out a lot. It sucks feeling lonely I know. I wish I could convince you that its not that important to put so much emphasis on finding it everyday, but I remember what its like to be single and I know its easier said then done. I enjoyed being single actually. It was refreshing to be free. I had just gotten out of a relationship though. Having girl-friends is better then no girls in your life at all.
I know Ive said it before but spend more time making yourself happy and you'll be suprised what falls in your lap.
On a brighter note. Still coming to NYC? when when when?
You'll like.
[Edited on Jun 13, 2004 11:34AM]