Well today was pretty good I would say.
It technically started last night watching SNL, which by the way was pretty damn funny. They did a skit about "Cork Soakers" in an accent that of course made it seem like "cock suckers". At about 10:30 pm that night I recieved a message on my voicemail from Neko, who by the way is the absolute cutest girl I've ever heard utter the english language. Then at about 1:30 am I decided that I wanted to get drunk and call Neko back, haha.
I mixed myself a pretty decently but not too big sized screwdriver (hey, vodka's made out of potatoes, so it's kosher for passover, haha). I drank that down pretty quick and proceded to play some GameCube.
I ended up on the phone with Neko at maybe 3:10 and we talked about random stuff, it was pretty interesting seeing as how I was still slightly wasted and she was trying to get her phone to work, haha.
After the phone call I went to sleep and woke up at about noon (just like a rockstar) and took a rock shower. (For those of you who don't know, a rock shower is a shower with punk playing in the background. Today I was listening to Dropkick Murphys, it was fucking wonderful.)
I then went to see my old Torah teacher at his nursing home. My family and I went to see him because he got his leg amputated and we haven't seen him in a while, besides the poor guy was probably not doing anything since it was Easter and everybody else there is Christian.
It was really interesting talking to him, he spoke of his over 100 year life and all of the things that he would do with the young Jewish kids in the neighborhood. This guy was a professional collegiate basketball player, and a damn good Torah reader if I've ever seen anything. It's incredible to see someone so dedicated to their religion without being a total crazy, so that was refreshing. This guy taught me my Torah and Haftorah portion for my Bar-Mitzpah, so my family's pretty close with him, and it was great to see that he's so happy about his stay in an independent living home.
I then got home, played some SG slot machine (I got two Elaras first time.....which I imagine is what heaven will be like, haha.
I also chatted it up more with Neko and Iggy online, and was told I have the cutest voice ever, which was nice to hear.
It technically started last night watching SNL, which by the way was pretty damn funny. They did a skit about "Cork Soakers" in an accent that of course made it seem like "cock suckers". At about 10:30 pm that night I recieved a message on my voicemail from Neko, who by the way is the absolute cutest girl I've ever heard utter the english language. Then at about 1:30 am I decided that I wanted to get drunk and call Neko back, haha.
I mixed myself a pretty decently but not too big sized screwdriver (hey, vodka's made out of potatoes, so it's kosher for passover, haha). I drank that down pretty quick and proceded to play some GameCube.
I ended up on the phone with Neko at maybe 3:10 and we talked about random stuff, it was pretty interesting seeing as how I was still slightly wasted and she was trying to get her phone to work, haha.

After the phone call I went to sleep and woke up at about noon (just like a rockstar) and took a rock shower. (For those of you who don't know, a rock shower is a shower with punk playing in the background. Today I was listening to Dropkick Murphys, it was fucking wonderful.)
I then went to see my old Torah teacher at his nursing home. My family and I went to see him because he got his leg amputated and we haven't seen him in a while, besides the poor guy was probably not doing anything since it was Easter and everybody else there is Christian.
It was really interesting talking to him, he spoke of his over 100 year life and all of the things that he would do with the young Jewish kids in the neighborhood. This guy was a professional collegiate basketball player, and a damn good Torah reader if I've ever seen anything. It's incredible to see someone so dedicated to their religion without being a total crazy, so that was refreshing. This guy taught me my Torah and Haftorah portion for my Bar-Mitzpah, so my family's pretty close with him, and it was great to see that he's so happy about his stay in an independent living home.
I then got home, played some SG slot machine (I got two Elaras first time.....which I imagine is what heaven will be like, haha.
I also chatted it up more with Neko and Iggy online, and was told I have the cutest voice ever, which was nice to hear.

the zoo is awesome i went a month ago. when the group goes the new australian walk through should be done.
imagine how much i will drool while taking the set... poison is so hot...