Well today was just plain interesting and crazy.
It started off with me waking up and proudly putting on my SG shirt (which bytheway was incredibly comfortable for some reason!) and making a toaster streudel. I swear, if I ever meet the Pillsbury dough boy I'll make him into cookies, haha.
I then got dressed and walked out the door to go hang out with my friends. A bunch of them asked me what SG stood for (since they saw Mary on my shirt) and I told them about the website, and like always, half the table were against it and half were intrigued by the idea. I also had an argument with one of my galfriends as to whether the pronounciation of Flux's name was "Flucks" or "Floo" (I argued "Flucks"). Safe to say the argument didn't last long at all, and nobody won.
When I got back home I was happliy greeted by an air-mail package from Dirty Tricks, which encased one of the coolest cd designs I'd ever seen. It was a clear cd, except for the part of the cd that actually had music on it, and there was a silkscreen design on the front. Absolutely fucking awesome.
About two hours ago I called CBGB's to call and see if one of the bands I book for, Superhopper had a good show over there or not. I called to find out that the headliner didn't show up, and my band had lost over $50 dollars. Now I freaked out, because not only did this screw over my band, but it made me take a hit in the wallet. So I called the lead singer of the headlining band, and asked him what happened, to which he replied with lots of cursing and more apolegies than I've ever heard in 5 minutes. It was absolutely psycho, but we got it worked out, they're sending me a check and they're sending my band a check to make up for it.
That's about all, and I'm really excited for the
Valient Thorr concert on Sunday, hopefully I can get some SGNCers to meet me out there, and a bunch of my normal friends, haha.
Hope to see you there.
It started off with me waking up and proudly putting on my SG shirt (which bytheway was incredibly comfortable for some reason!) and making a toaster streudel. I swear, if I ever meet the Pillsbury dough boy I'll make him into cookies, haha.
I then got dressed and walked out the door to go hang out with my friends. A bunch of them asked me what SG stood for (since they saw Mary on my shirt) and I told them about the website, and like always, half the table were against it and half were intrigued by the idea. I also had an argument with one of my galfriends as to whether the pronounciation of Flux's name was "Flucks" or "Floo" (I argued "Flucks"). Safe to say the argument didn't last long at all, and nobody won.
When I got back home I was happliy greeted by an air-mail package from Dirty Tricks, which encased one of the coolest cd designs I'd ever seen. It was a clear cd, except for the part of the cd that actually had music on it, and there was a silkscreen design on the front. Absolutely fucking awesome.
About two hours ago I called CBGB's to call and see if one of the bands I book for, Superhopper had a good show over there or not. I called to find out that the headliner didn't show up, and my band had lost over $50 dollars. Now I freaked out, because not only did this screw over my band, but it made me take a hit in the wallet. So I called the lead singer of the headlining band, and asked him what happened, to which he replied with lots of cursing and more apolegies than I've ever heard in 5 minutes. It was absolutely psycho, but we got it worked out, they're sending me a check and they're sending my band a check to make up for it.
That's about all, and I'm really excited for the
Valient Thorr concert on Sunday, hopefully I can get some SGNCers to meet me out there, and a bunch of my normal friends, haha.
Hope to see you there.

i dunno if that counts.
i actually do that a lot in real life. so it must be true.