"breathe in, exhale, you know you taste like cancer"
Well happy Valentine's Day everybody, I hoped that yours was better than mine, at least, the entire Valentine's Day.
The past two days have been some of the most interesting/exciting/depressing of the year, I feel I should share these experiences with you guys, at least to get it off my chest.
So two nights ago I went on a blind date with this girl who my good friend set me up with, I figured it would go ok. So I met her at the movies and she brought a shitload of her friends. Her friends were alright but she kept talking to them and I was basically standing there like a dumbass, not knowing what was going on. So two hours pass by and her friend and I decide that it'd be a good idea to get some coffee (it was pretty cold out), so eventually we get my date and the rest of her friends to go, so we're walking to the coffee house and my date and I get closer as the night rolls on. After all of her friends (except for two) left, we went to Lily's and I introduced them to the best pizza in the US. We then walked to a movie theatre and when her friends were inside at Rocky I found myself making out with her underneath the sign, it was nice. I mean honestly, even though tonight was a bust (she walked a long way away and I didn't know where she was, supposedly she went to go hang out with some of her girlfriends and I didn't see her for another two hours, and when I finally saw her she told me that she thought she might have feelings for her ex, bleh), it was incredible to be so naive as to think that there was promise in our possible relationship, that she really was an incredible person, and that everything was going perfectly for me (which by the way NEVER happens
But it's alright, I guess. There's a Valient Thorr concert on the 20th, maybe I'll meet a cool girl there. And besides, when we were at the movie theatre on Friday, we were there for 10 minutes of Valentine's Day, so at least I had a good 10 minutes.
Happy Valentine's Day.
"....love's an excuse to get hurt...."
Well happy Valentine's Day everybody, I hoped that yours was better than mine, at least, the entire Valentine's Day.
The past two days have been some of the most interesting/exciting/depressing of the year, I feel I should share these experiences with you guys, at least to get it off my chest.
So two nights ago I went on a blind date with this girl who my good friend set me up with, I figured it would go ok. So I met her at the movies and she brought a shitload of her friends. Her friends were alright but she kept talking to them and I was basically standing there like a dumbass, not knowing what was going on. So two hours pass by and her friend and I decide that it'd be a good idea to get some coffee (it was pretty cold out), so eventually we get my date and the rest of her friends to go, so we're walking to the coffee house and my date and I get closer as the night rolls on. After all of her friends (except for two) left, we went to Lily's and I introduced them to the best pizza in the US. We then walked to a movie theatre and when her friends were inside at Rocky I found myself making out with her underneath the sign, it was nice. I mean honestly, even though tonight was a bust (she walked a long way away and I didn't know where she was, supposedly she went to go hang out with some of her girlfriends and I didn't see her for another two hours, and when I finally saw her she told me that she thought she might have feelings for her ex, bleh), it was incredible to be so naive as to think that there was promise in our possible relationship, that she really was an incredible person, and that everything was going perfectly for me (which by the way NEVER happens

But it's alright, I guess. There's a Valient Thorr concert on the 20th, maybe I'll meet a cool girl there. And besides, when we were at the movie theatre on Friday, we were there for 10 minutes of Valentine's Day, so at least I had a good 10 minutes.
Happy Valentine's Day.

"....love's an excuse to get hurt...."
b) Girls are stupid. They set their friends up for stuff liek that, too fast, too early; and it never works out. And they aways pick the sweetest, funnest, most deserving-of-a-girl guy to set the girl up with.
Do they ever think of the guy?
Noooo... harsh. I'm sorry, but I hope there were some highlight.
c) Thanks for the invite! I wish. ^_^