Bought a new rear fan and power supply for my computer. It was like doing a heart and lung transplant. Things are definitely quieter and cooler now. That's pretty awesome.
The fan was a bitch, because Antec made the holes for the fan screws just a LITTLE too small for anybody else's fans. In the end, I had to crazy-glue the damn thing. lolz.
I also started doing push-ups and sit-ups yesterday. I figure if I start by doing thirty of each a day I can work my way up to a hundred in a few months. That would be freakin' sweet. I mean, I already get a decent work-out from cycling, but I needed to tax my upper body.
The fan was a bitch, because Antec made the holes for the fan screws just a LITTLE too small for anybody else's fans. In the end, I had to crazy-glue the damn thing. lolz.
I also started doing push-ups and sit-ups yesterday. I figure if I start by doing thirty of each a day I can work my way up to a hundred in a few months. That would be freakin' sweet. I mean, I already get a decent work-out from cycling, but I needed to tax my upper body.