Touching-my-face stuff
I am going to stop posting about work sucking. I forgot to mention that working at Ein-Stein almost *always* sucks. Now I will only post if something at work does *not* suck. (Or sucks in a whole new, cosmic way.)
This morning I got on the bus and saw an old acquaintance. I gave him the nod and then walked up and said, "yo." Then he made some sort of a noise and looked away. I felt really bad. Did he not remember me? Should I have talked to him more? Did I offend him in some way? Maybe he's just socially-inept like me? Who knows. But it made me feel awkward and I didn't like that. At least when I get nabbed by old acquaintances, I give the little small-talk and the touching-my-face stuff. You know... it's polite.
It's my dad's birthday. He was so happy I remembered. I only remembered because I write down all important birthdays in a text file on my computer. I am horrible with dates. I have a memory like a wet bar of soap. I also hate buying gifts. I almost never know what anyone wants. Food or a movie are always my backup plans.
What's been on my mind... Dungeons and Dragons. A lot. I was wondering if a warblade could effectively take all the combat focus feats from Players Handbook 2 without any redundant abilities or bonuses. He'd be a real slicey-dicer, if so.
I had a cigarette today, because Andrew stopped by my work. I needed it. I will probably not have one tomorrow. Powerrrrrrrr.
I am going to stop posting about work sucking. I forgot to mention that working at Ein-Stein almost *always* sucks. Now I will only post if something at work does *not* suck. (Or sucks in a whole new, cosmic way.)
This morning I got on the bus and saw an old acquaintance. I gave him the nod and then walked up and said, "yo." Then he made some sort of a noise and looked away. I felt really bad. Did he not remember me? Should I have talked to him more? Did I offend him in some way? Maybe he's just socially-inept like me? Who knows. But it made me feel awkward and I didn't like that. At least when I get nabbed by old acquaintances, I give the little small-talk and the touching-my-face stuff. You know... it's polite.
It's my dad's birthday. He was so happy I remembered. I only remembered because I write down all important birthdays in a text file on my computer. I am horrible with dates. I have a memory like a wet bar of soap. I also hate buying gifts. I almost never know what anyone wants. Food or a movie are always my backup plans.
What's been on my mind... Dungeons and Dragons. A lot. I was wondering if a warblade could effectively take all the combat focus feats from Players Handbook 2 without any redundant abilities or bonuses. He'd be a real slicey-dicer, if so.
I had a cigarette today, because Andrew stopped by my work. I needed it. I will probably not have one tomorrow. Powerrrrrrrr.
people from the past should stay there.
work does suck.