OK so I'm not even officially in the band yet, and already I have a new nickname and a write-up in the paper:
Suedehead in the OC Weekly
FYI - "Wolf Man" is a reference to the movie "That Thing You Do!", in which an experienced studio bassist named Scott "Wolf Man" Pell steps in at the last minute to take over on bass for The Wonders' national TV debut. When the camera pans over to him during the broadcast, the director says "Wolf Man...too scary!", itself a reference to The Beatles' "A Hard Days Night". Watch it again, you'll chuckle. Here it is for your convenience:
Saturday night we play at the Verizon Amphitheater, which seats 14,000. Opening for Social Distortion. I'm starting to feel like I'm actually going somewhere, at least a little bit.
Suedehead in the OC Weekly
FYI - "Wolf Man" is a reference to the movie "That Thing You Do!", in which an experienced studio bassist named Scott "Wolf Man" Pell steps in at the last minute to take over on bass for The Wonders' national TV debut. When the camera pans over to him during the broadcast, the director says "Wolf Man...too scary!", itself a reference to The Beatles' "A Hard Days Night". Watch it again, you'll chuckle. Here it is for your convenience:
Saturday night we play at the Verizon Amphitheater, which seats 14,000. Opening for Social Distortion. I'm starting to feel like I'm actually going somewhere, at least a little bit.
And what is it that you wish for me to show you, dearest? I typically like to get past the first handshake before I start flashing intimate body parts. I'm rather old-fashioned that way. (Unusual for this website, I know.)
To quote that old showbiz adage, "Always leave 'em wanting more."
And speaking of showbiz...you must be getting pretty excited about your gig tomorrow night!