Went out and had a few to many to drink last night. Whoops..
Went out driving in the ice today. It's slick. Really slick. Take it easy out there.
I'm probably gonna get a call today to go death tubing again. Maybe this time it won't be so damn cold....
10 degrees with 15 MHP winds.. No thanks...
Went out with the school-teacher Wed. night. Enh. Not impressed. I may ask her out again, but probably not.
Is there a decent music store anywhere in the valley? It seems like whenever I hear something and decide that I want it, I have to mail-order the damn thing. And I'm not talking about super-obscure stuff, I'm talking stuff like Front 242 and VNV Nation. Some local store should be keeping that stuff in stock.
Time to say inside and drink. Or maybe go outside and hurt myself again...
Went out driving in the ice today. It's slick. Really slick. Take it easy out there.
I'm probably gonna get a call today to go death tubing again. Maybe this time it won't be so damn cold....

Went out with the school-teacher Wed. night. Enh. Not impressed. I may ask her out again, but probably not.
Is there a decent music store anywhere in the valley? It seems like whenever I hear something and decide that I want it, I have to mail-order the damn thing. And I'm not talking about super-obscure stuff, I'm talking stuff like Front 242 and VNV Nation. Some local store should be keeping that stuff in stock.
Time to say inside and drink. Or maybe go outside and hurt myself again...

so did you go out with your school teacher, or just a school teacher?
have fun drinking and tubing!!