This song title is about cults..and power hungry men in high authority...when you look at history It is amazing people like you and me and people of the past could ever be talked into agreement with such horrible acts...such as the hale bop comet, the worship of extra terrestials, the killing of 6 million Jews in WW2, the imprisonment of thousands of Japanese americans, the harsh treatment death and torture of millions of our african american brothers and sisters, the harsh treatment of middle eastern people and terror suspects including torture by our own government after sept 11th....are we blind? ... were people in germany too afraid to stand up to hitler? are we afraid or do we feel powerless to do anything now?.. This idea is in no way anti-American...America was founded by a bunch of britains who stood up against their governments horrible acts ....The true american is a person who has balls..willing to say fuck you to its leaders when they tell him to do something that is wrong...Patriotism isnt always agreeing with your country...If a nazi soldier in the middle of WW2 all the sudden realized the crimes his country commited then he has an obligation..not to fight for the evil regime but to make it right..that is a true patriot.and the reality is that people will stand up and spit lies at people in order to control, munipulate, and use people for their own financial, and egotisticall gain..and what amazes me is that people are so ready for change that they accept the lies and soon begin to believe them..and then who is left to stand up for the truth?
take this altar
that you made for yourself
burn it all till the ashes float away
take your followers
and send them away
Who made you a GOD to be praised?
cause when you speak out loud.....
I fall out of line with sound
it may bring me down
but I wont be afraid
refuse to wash it down
I spit it out
this poison youre giving me
tired of hearing
all the lies you speak
what mind control did you use to get this following?
destroy your empire
your power hungry regime
the lies and control u use to get to me
I fall out of line with sound
it may bring me down
but I wont be afraid
refuse to wash it down
I spit it out
this poison youre giving me
take this altar
that you made for yourself
burn it all till the ashes float away
take your followers
and send them away
Who made you a GOD to be praised?
cause when you speak out loud.....
I fall out of line with sound
it may bring me down
but I wont be afraid
refuse to wash it down
I spit it out
this poison youre giving me
tired of hearing
all the lies you speak
what mind control did you use to get this following?
destroy your empire
your power hungry regime
the lies and control u use to get to me
I fall out of line with sound
it may bring me down
but I wont be afraid
refuse to wash it down
I spit it out
this poison youre giving me
i really want to believe him!