Ok so I am working at a different shop within the same navy base. I hate this new position because I'm not a paperwork kind of guy.. I'm a mechanic thru and thru ...and I work super long hours.....anyway Does anyone else have friends that play World of Warcraft? Do they talk about it every hour of everyday? I don't hate the game nor dislike anyone who plays it but I'm just tired of hearing about the latest quest and what I need to raise my healing capabilities. A game is a game but my friends make it their life ARRRGH , I feel like I'm taking crazy pills LOL. Yeah its so annoying to bring up another topic and get ignored because someone wants to talk about the latest raid they did last night or strategy. Its like they have no life Outside of the game. and "how do you kill that which has no life" (southpark reference)...theres just so much else you could do besides play a game that becomes your life.. Did you know there are support groups for people addicted to online gaming...tis a sad event.Ok thats my rant and rave today.
More Blogs
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Ok so I was on SG chat again cause I was bored and the same thing hap… -
Thursday May 08, 2008
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Tuesday May 06, 2008
Mario Kart Players on Wii...add me my MK friend code is 0173-1978-9383 -
Monday May 05, 2008
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Saturday May 03, 2008
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Thursday May 01, 2008
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Thursday May 01, 2008
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Wednesday Apr 30, 2008
I got a wii !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… -
Saturday Apr 26, 2008
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