here's the deal... i dunno what i'm selling, but myself is on the shelf. Shit has really flip-floped recently and i still can't make heads or tails of it. Everyday it's something new... be it goin' ape with my body mods, mental status, or financial insecurity. Be that as it may, i must stand firm with my dreams and never give up that ship. oh,...
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Hey sexy bee-otch! So did you get some Asian lovin' or what?
i'm so drunk i'm barely typin'/ at the bar crazy fools fightin'/ drove home so fast i was ridin' on lightnin'/ had to race like a piss horse, it was kinda frightnin'/ time ta go, 'cause ya know i don't know what i'm writin' puke
thank you for being so sweet about my set.
if you were to stand directly on the north pole, no matter which way you go, you would be headding south. so which way do you go? after walking for days, week, whatever, when would you finally have a bearing? Is east the proper direction? could the right way be north again? frown
That would really suck, and since I don't think there are very many things in that part of the world, even if you weren't lost, you'd still pretty much be lost.
comin' out my shell tonight and postin' a journal. it's been quite the night. witnessed some dude throw a glass of water at some chick 'cause she wouldn't talk to his egocentric jock ass. every MF in the place went to beat his ass but he was already off like a prom dress.

i find it disconcerting how quickly things go askew. i guess all...
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