It's been a good long while since I done a proper journal update on here. I was planning to sum up the previous 12 months , however 1) Most of the people I used to talk to on here are no longer active and thus no longer read my journal & 2) I really cannot be bothered .
So ............ It the short version.
The first 3 months of 2012 were totally shit. I was in a relationship I hated with someone I hated even more. After that it was literally brilliant . I done some travelling turned my photography into more than a semi-paid hobby met some excellent people along the way. Worked with people of varying degrees of fame and got some incredibly strange offers along the way.
I also came to the conclusion I had a bit of an alcohol problem for quite some time. Now I'm not one of these people who really believes in therapy or indeed talking about my problems (ask previous ex -girlfriends about this) so I decided to just give up. Then decided I would only drink in the company of friends which works pretty well.
I got my half sleeve started and grew a beard. The beard is really the most important thing in my view as when trying to meet people of the opposite sex its an instant like or dislike thing.
I have been approached by a person or two to try and submit a shoot for SG but I'm still undecided. I'm trying to do more photography along the lines of bands or sports etc. Making women look sexy in their bra and pants isnt rocket science after all.
I'm still on Twitter,