I obviously decided to renew my membership
Anyway. I haven't been on the net much recently as I'm mostly in a non-internet enviroment.
I got to fufill a boyhood dream this week and pull the emergency chain on a train legitimatley I may add too!! I was coming home on a packed underground when the girl standing behind me collapsed( She was clostrophobic) So getting on a tiny overcrowded train while wearing a huge winter coat is certainly one way to deal with that fear.
But the real kicker is we got to the next stop. I picked her and all her bags up. By this point she was semi-councious and it only took her like 20 secs to full come round. Carried her to the wall so she could sit down , asked her how she was and where she was going etc. At this point an older women(Who was sitting down I might add) bounded off the train and I realised it was her mother. The mother bascially pushed me out the way said everything was 'ok' and that was that!!! Not ever a simple ta or thanks or anything!!
Apart from that I couldnt be happier!!