So I added pictures of all my tats, my socks and then my chest piece, and I finally figured out how to edit my pics, so Im going to start adding pics of shit.
So I guess its time for a fucking update, and really Im not in the mood but I got nothing better to do. At this moment Im not to happy, its my last weekend in california and I have to spend it with family. Just because Im moving my family thinks its this big gooodbye like Im never going to see them again, christ are they stupid? Just because Im moving out of state doesnt mean I wont come back at times to see them, or that I wont keep in touch. I dont know maybe im being a little bit shallow, but fuck man my friends are my family too and it would have been great for me to have one last night of mayhem with them.
Yeah and now on to the move, I'll tell you what before I was super fucking pumped and careless, not giving a shit and just looking foward to getting the fuck out, but now its all catching up with me. I would be lieing to you guys if I said I wasnt nervous, or even a little bit scared. I mean fuck dude I have never been as far away from the people I care about as Im about to be. 1 more week and Im gone, no more hanging with my friends Ive had since I was like 7, but then again I guess I'll see them again if I ever decide to come back and visit. Fuck man, this turned into a fucking mushy fuckin pussy ass journal entry, take it for what its worth bitches, because its probably one of the only times Im ever going to open up like that.
So I added pictures of all my tats, my socks and then my chest piece, and I finally figured out how to edit my pics, so Im going to start adding pics of shit.
So I guess its time for a fucking update, and really Im not in the mood but I got nothing better to do. At this moment Im not to happy, its my last weekend in california and I have to spend it with family. Just because Im moving my family thinks its this big gooodbye like Im never going to see them again, christ are they stupid? Just because Im moving out of state doesnt mean I wont come back at times to see them, or that I wont keep in touch. I dont know maybe im being a little bit shallow, but fuck man my friends are my family too and it would have been great for me to have one last night of mayhem with them.

Yeah and now on to the move, I'll tell you what before I was super fucking pumped and careless, not giving a shit and just looking foward to getting the fuck out, but now its all catching up with me. I would be lieing to you guys if I said I wasnt nervous, or even a little bit scared. I mean fuck dude I have never been as far away from the people I care about as Im about to be. 1 more week and Im gone, no more hanging with my friends Ive had since I was like 7, but then again I guess I'll see them again if I ever decide to come back and visit. Fuck man, this turned into a fucking mushy fuckin pussy ass journal entry, take it for what its worth bitches, because its probably one of the only times Im ever going to open up like that.

its kool about not figuring it out at first..i didnt point it out.
but thanx.
and good luck. i hope moving makes you happy and that it all works out for you.
*ok IM the one all mushy gushy emotional weepy and teary so yeah*