whats up all you sons of bitches, another shitty day today I seem to be having alot of those lately. I CANT FUCKING STAND IT!
It iritates me sooooo bad. And what the fuck, I think i need a hobby because it seems everyday is so damn monotnous( probably speld that wrong, but who gives a fuck, I sure as hell dont.) I need some goddamn money, so much shit I want but am too broke to get. I fucking hate it.
But there is a small form of good news, in a little over a month its my b-day, 21 motherfuckers! I cant fucking wait, Im going to destroy the bars and quite possibly my liver.
But its all good you only live once, no fucking regrets.
kisses to all

But there is a small form of good news, in a little over a month its my b-day, 21 motherfuckers! I cant fucking wait, Im going to destroy the bars and quite possibly my liver.

kisses to all

