man its 830 and i havent slept in 5 days. INSOMNIA IS A BITCH! I swear what I would do for some sleep. I dont know what i am going to do if this shit continues. Ive tried everything there is to sleep. Yesterday I had two bottles of Jack, the day before I tried sleeping pills.
I swear this shit is pissing me off, and then the fact that the weather is turning into a fuckin oven isnt making it any better. Fuck it, im of to get some more fucking whiskey, later on
I swear this shit is pissing me off, and then the fact that the weather is turning into a fuckin oven isnt making it any better. Fuck it, im of to get some more fucking whiskey, later on
shiat! I thank the sleep gods that I don't have sleep issues.
maybe you'll pass out tonight