the ratio of people i know who have worked as baristas to those who havent is probably 3 to 1. i have now joined the ranks of said individuals. but its not starbucks still working for barnes and noble (yeah i know, shut up), they just serve starbucks coffee. and now i work in gaithersburg. the shitty part is that i kinda like it; theres always something to do, time passes relatively fast. my trainer is a sassy black woman, which tickles me to death.
lots of good shows coming up, about one a week for the next 8 weeks.
the "tours" are almost over.
i do regret not being able to see public enemy at hellfest, but they arent worth the $250 i'd probably end up dropping on a ticket, hotel, gas and toll fees.
lots of good shows coming up, about one a week for the next 8 weeks.
the "tours" are almost over.
i do regret not being able to see public enemy at hellfest, but they arent worth the $250 i'd probably end up dropping on a ticket, hotel, gas and toll fees.