in past journal entries, i have established that i have no problems with good natured violence; like fighting with friends, or standing on the edge of a pit. i typically stand on th eedge of the pit because you get a great view of the band and you get to watch the occasional martial arts competition spliced into the dancing. i dont give a shit if i get hit. im on the outside of a pit for fucks sake. in virginia, however, the pits are a bit more ruthless, blatant disregard for one's person. i know this about these kids. yesterday at on broken wings (who put on an awesome show indeed), some mother fucker thinks its ok to wail on the same person repeatedly, while theyre moving out of the way, when noone else is getting hit, while theyre 3 feet away from the wall. kicked twice and hit once. i see nothing wrong with fucking up a bunch of people with some sense of distribution, but im a skinny single person. and this guy was huge.
the next day
i wouldnt care at all if i got the black eye with one shot while other people got hit, but the eye was the last thing he hit. im not really trying to get sympathy, im more so trying to make a point about what complete and total fuck heads some of these kids have become. thank you, that is all

the next day

i wouldnt care at all if i got the black eye with one shot while other people got hit, but the eye was the last thing he hit. im not really trying to get sympathy, im more so trying to make a point about what complete and total fuck heads some of these kids have become. thank you, that is all