so i get the flu on a weekend. and the holiday weekend at that. i cant go to the movies and eat chinese food with a temperature of 100.5 degrees!
it looks as though i will be making the surrounding area of new orleans my home in the near future. im looking forward to the sweltering heat. also, i get to make a dream of mine a reality. quitting my job to do volunteer work with animals full time. after that i will promptly learn how to skin gators. you might think im kidding, but im not.
oh, meat logs...
its the most wonderful time of the year
it looks as though i will be making the surrounding area of new orleans my home in the near future. im looking forward to the sweltering heat. also, i get to make a dream of mine a reality. quitting my job to do volunteer work with animals full time. after that i will promptly learn how to skin gators. you might think im kidding, but im not.
oh, meat logs...

its the most wonderful time of the year
There's no flu worse than Houston flu; hope you clear up soon.
whoa, 3 hours? thats fucking intense and crazy and i dont know how it would be 3 hours, seems like mapquest is decieving me! blast!
oooh all this family fun is just great. great i tell you. i love it. have a bearable christmas, love.