Been a while wasn't completely my fault though a nasty storm hit my city last Wednesday.. It's funny I remember it started to rain and it sounded like it was gonna die down and I thought to myself come on mother nature is that all you got, well she did not disappoint, she lit up the sky.. Keep in mind I live in a desert,... Read More
So after 17 years of smoking I decided to quit.. It's only been 3 weeks since I quit, but I gotta say I feel a lot better about things lately.. Oh, I also got a raise at work so things are going really well for me right now next goal is to finish my back, since I had to put that on pause for a... Read More
So I'm sending a care package to someone and she requested a bra.. I can honestly say I've never gone bra shopping let alone send one through the mail.. I promised a more specific blog and I'll get to that once I do this bra shopping I imagine I might get a couple of weird looks.. This weekend has been rough and emotionally draining, but... Read More
Interesting blog coming soon I just don't feel like writing it right now.. Some guy wanting to kick my ass that I don't know.. My scar hurts it's been a weird weekend I'll do it when I'm not tired..
Had a pretty good and long conversation today if anyone has been reading my blog you'll know that my mind has been all over the place, I was gonna say women have a way of doing that but really it goes both ways, tonight I can say my mind is a little more at peace..
No matter how old you get, or how many times... Read More
People never cease to amaze me.. I never understand how someone could just behave one minute one way and then completely change the next.. She tells me how great of a guy I am and how she can't see me not being in her life, and then suddenly it's like trying to get through a brick wall.. I'm trying to be patient, but it just... Read More
I know you ask us to vote for your sets and help you get to Fp I hope I help.. I just want to say thank you to the ladies that have thanked me for voting, or posted on my blogs or just messaged me.. You brought a smile to my face..
I'm going to post some pics hope you like them..
The first one... Read More