I've been a little absent and saying I would post a better blog, so here it goes.. My friend Darla dug this up from 07 she's dead center.. If you read my blog you should know the two other ladies and that's Gabe with my arm around him..
In all honesty we really don't party all that much anymore we're getting older, people get married, have kids etc..
However this past weekend was nuts it started off Friday when our buddy Eddie came down from Phoenix with his wife for a baby shower, they're having a boy, naturally we had to get together.. We grew up together so we had a small thing at Jazz's house, he's the one on the left on the phone Eddie is the one bombing all the way in the back Richy is on the right, and that's Emilio making the silly face..
For some reason around 2 in the morning we decided it would be a good idea to play a drinking game where you duct tape cans together then battle with them.. By the way that's totally not his pregnant wife drinking..
I'll be honest Friday kicked my ass, so Saturday I just chilled and played some poker.. Sunday was a house warming thing we had for Flaca it also happened that our friend Ileana is here visiting from Germany for a month..
The first pic is Flaca and I, and Ileana is the one with the glasses..
Of course whenever I get together with friends the cards come out.. My buddy Cricket who's in the red shirt is actually going to Vegas this year to play in the world series of poker, so if you watch that keep an eye out for him..
A little bit of the life of Manny that's all I got for now night SG land..

In all honesty we really don't party all that much anymore we're getting older, people get married, have kids etc..
However this past weekend was nuts it started off Friday when our buddy Eddie came down from Phoenix with his wife for a baby shower, they're having a boy, naturally we had to get together.. We grew up together so we had a small thing at Jazz's house, he's the one on the left on the phone Eddie is the one bombing all the way in the back Richy is on the right, and that's Emilio making the silly face..

For some reason around 2 in the morning we decided it would be a good idea to play a drinking game where you duct tape cans together then battle with them.. By the way that's totally not his pregnant wife drinking..

I'll be honest Friday kicked my ass, so Saturday I just chilled and played some poker.. Sunday was a house warming thing we had for Flaca it also happened that our friend Ileana is here visiting from Germany for a month..
The first pic is Flaca and I, and Ileana is the one with the glasses..

Of course whenever I get together with friends the cards come out.. My buddy Cricket who's in the red shirt is actually going to Vegas this year to play in the world series of poker, so if you watch that keep an eye out for him..

A little bit of the life of Manny that's all I got for now night SG land..

And yes, we managed to avoid all the cow pats. In fact, I like to think of us as some kind of cow pat ninjas.