Hey Peeps
I can't believe its June 6th already! Doesn't time fly when you're having... actually doesn't time just fly?!
My t-shirts arived today! Wooo. I was so excited i had to put them on straight away... not all at once before you ask. So i thought i'd take some picks of their greatness.
^ Jesus look at my scar in that pic... i look like a regular harry potter. Mystical
Hope you're all good. I going to watch Sin City tonight so i'm well excited.
Today i've been mostly listening to music so i can get track of my audioscrobbler account. It so addictive i keep listening to things going to audioscrobbler and refreshing just to check its working (how sad am i!?)
If you have an account add me!!!
my user thingy
Its great for finding out what to listen to most and sorting your music into preferences it also suggests bands you'd like based on what you listen to. The more people on there the more accurate it gets so if you don't have it yet ...what are you waiting for eh?? Its great fun (though i only just discovered it
i've missed out all this time)
Anyways now i've tried to pimp out more sites to you i post a question?
1) Who's your favourite super hero/villan of all time?
2) If you could have one super power what would it be?
I can't believe its June 6th already! Doesn't time fly when you're having... actually doesn't time just fly?!
My t-shirts arived today! Wooo. I was so excited i had to put them on straight away... not all at once before you ask. So i thought i'd take some picks of their greatness.

^ Jesus look at my scar in that pic... i look like a regular harry potter. Mystical

Hope you're all good. I going to watch Sin City tonight so i'm well excited.
Today i've been mostly listening to music so i can get track of my audioscrobbler account. It so addictive i keep listening to things going to audioscrobbler and refreshing just to check its working (how sad am i!?)
If you have an account add me!!!
my user thingy
Its great for finding out what to listen to most and sorting your music into preferences it also suggests bands you'd like based on what you listen to. The more people on there the more accurate it gets so if you don't have it yet ...what are you waiting for eh?? Its great fun (though i only just discovered it

Anyways now i've tried to pimp out more sites to you i post a question?
1) Who's your favourite super hero/villan of all time?
2) If you could have one super power what would it be?
Villian- Have to go with Joker. He is a sadistic, twisted mo-fo
2: Any power? I would have to go with accelerated healing like Wolverine.
I'd have so much fun jumping off buildings and shit.
Or getting hit by buses.
Of course I would do good stuff as well, like fight crime, but I would have fun with it too.
My fave super hero of all time is Harley Quinn, she's kinda dumb at times but still kicks ass with no mad powers.
Powers? I'd love to to be able to web sling like Spidey, doesn't everyone tho?!