Last night after all the drunken fun of my birthday celebration. I Fell down.
I dislocated my left thumb and have broken part of the bone. It hurts ALOT. This morning at 5am i was in A+E having it pulled back into place. I'm currently in plaster unable to move most of my left hand awaiting review by the specialist plastics tomorrow to decide if i need anything more doing to it.
I'm in pain. Send me sympathy.
I dislocated my left thumb and have broken part of the bone. It hurts ALOT. This morning at 5am i was in A+E having it pulled back into place. I'm currently in plaster unable to move most of my left hand awaiting review by the specialist plastics tomorrow to decide if i need anything more doing to it.
I'm in pain. Send me sympathy.

holy shit, I hope you're doing better soon, i just wanted to stop by, and say hello again!
I hope you have a great Xmas darlin'