So get this: I was at my bro-in-law's in the garage smoking a bowl, and my 7 year old nephew sneaks up and calls me sexy! I was like, HOLY ......." then i remembered who i was talking to. But the kid is like a 7 yo exhibitionist - I didnt teach him that i swear! OK maybe he got it from me genetically. I am game for both my nephews being themselves and not giving into society's definition of normal etiqette. I want them to be able to reinvent themselves and find what fits them. And if he's gonna be like that, then fine. But I mean, he's my lil nephew... Does anyone else have issues with a lil person in their life that is just completely outrageous? How do you deal?
Bad Brains are godly. Well I know the guys in Asshole Parade personally. I've partied with them before. I'm pretty decent buddies with Travis.
AxCx are badass. I've drank with Seth Putnam before too. If you don't already know them, check out THE KILL, and Yacopsae. They're insanely fast and crazy. Captain Cleanoff from Australia is brutal grind too. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll definately check them out.

THATS FUCKING AMAZING! well if they call you sexy then thats when i personally would have given them shit ... but its kinda cute to see a 7 year old crushing on ya .... hope everything is working out for ya =D