So it's been awhile since i posted anything on here, not that i was the most prolific of posters anyway 
I've been pretty much living at Honey's seeing as her housemates have gone home now and seeing as she doesn't have internet acccess, that means i don't either
But she's doing an 11 hour shift today so i have time to dick about on the net, it does suck tho, i'd rather her be here and not have time for the dicking about 
Enough of the's a pic i took at work today that i found amusing, luckily i had no mail for them...

i also took a few arty pics that i'll put in my folders...I fucking love my new phone

I've been pretty much living at Honey's seeing as her housemates have gone home now and seeing as she doesn't have internet acccess, that means i don't either

Enough of the's a pic i took at work today that i found amusing, luckily i had no mail for them...

i also took a few arty pics that i'll put in my folders...I fucking love my new phone

Just wondering whether you know what you're doing regarding the meet on 26 July I'm trying to find out how many folks are going to turn up. I thought it might be an idea to actually get to know you a bit if you're going to be dropping by therefore hopefully avoiding that horrid "who are you?" feeling that will inevitably be present for the night. That picture is quality by the way.

Seems like everybody's busy or something which is somewhat displeasing
, I've got this horrible vision of being sat in a pub on my own for hours tis not good. Pah! enough of such negative dwellings, what's your take on this whole strike business then? being a postman I thought you'd have formulated some sort of opinion on the matter. I've never really understood the whole "industrial action" thing myself. I've always wondered what stops your employer from just firing your revolutionary ass for striking anyways, having said that I know I'm completely disposable where I work so that's exactly what would happen. Funny story (funny in a tragic way I think) a friend of mine is leaving after working for the company for 8 years. After she handed her notice in the store manager popped 'round the next day we were expecting the "thanks for your contribution and hard work you'll be missed, blah,blah,blah." speech instead what we got was "I hope you don't think this means you can slack of for the next 2 weeks!"
talk about a slap in the face, there's nothing quite as humiliating as finding out how utterly disposable you really are in front of all your friends.