Yesssss...finally got my free view adaptor working on my pc, to be fair it didn't take much doing...I can now record and pause live tv..woop.
Honey is back at work for the first time since Sunday
I think i'm actually gonna venture properly into the real world this weekend, crippled knee permitting...gigs on both friday and saturday that i really wanna goto...
Dilemma...Seeing as i'm such an idiot i've managed to buy tickets for both me and Honey for 2 seperate gigs on the same day...Motley Crue in manc and Gallows in Leeds. Which do i goto??? I know i can get rid of the Crue tickets on ebay pretty easily and it'd be nice to see the Gallows boys again, rip em for selling out ahhaha (joking of course, i think it's amazing!) Gah...I think i've pretty much decided, now i've gotta get round to telling the others that we're not going to see the Crue!
Also, i've finally added some new pics...woop...Some are from the Gallows/Plight tour i went on last year and some are my arty photos...
Honey is back at work for the first time since Sunday

I think i'm actually gonna venture properly into the real world this weekend, crippled knee permitting...gigs on both friday and saturday that i really wanna goto...
Dilemma...Seeing as i'm such an idiot i've managed to buy tickets for both me and Honey for 2 seperate gigs on the same day...Motley Crue in manc and Gallows in Leeds. Which do i goto??? I know i can get rid of the Crue tickets on ebay pretty easily and it'd be nice to see the Gallows boys again, rip em for selling out ahhaha (joking of course, i think it's amazing!) Gah...I think i've pretty much decided, now i've gotta get round to telling the others that we're not going to see the Crue!
Also, i've finally added some new pics...woop...Some are from the Gallows/Plight tour i went on last year and some are my arty photos...
I might come to Gallows with you if that's ok? Cancer Bats were ace when I saw them the other week!
Also, this freeview adaptor... was it expensive and/or faffy? Sounds pretty enticing
Your arty pics are pretty cool.