On the above date and approximate time, all hell broke loose.
I got to be the gopher last night, run here cover this, then go do this..
If other c.o's would do their friggin job , my night would have started better.
Had to take this one bozo to recreation, standing order is that he remains fully restrained when out of his cell
ApparentlyI'm the only one who does this, so he throws a verbal fit So every time he saw me the rest of the night it was "hey c,o" "yeah?" "weak ass bitch" "ok thanx"
Then there was the new ones brought in, 11 off the street in the first hour , several of them drunk. Upstairs a couple guys flooded (meaning they clogged up the toilet and kept flushing) the pod, i dont know why. In another cell they managed to get into the light fixture and break the bulb, I guess they didnt like the night light
Were I am is still fairly rural , not gonna say what county I work for, dont need this gettin back to them
The loudest, most difficult to deal with are usualy in for just public drunk ,dui or disorderly conduct
If your gonna get wasted, please stay home
So I got home this morning and decided I had earned myself a beer
or two ( and yes the irony is not lost on me, even if i'm not using irony right)
I got to be the gopher last night, run here cover this, then go do this..
If other c.o's would do their friggin job , my night would have started better.
Had to take this one bozo to recreation, standing order is that he remains fully restrained when out of his cell
ApparentlyI'm the only one who does this, so he throws a verbal fit So every time he saw me the rest of the night it was "hey c,o" "yeah?" "weak ass bitch" "ok thanx"
Then there was the new ones brought in, 11 off the street in the first hour , several of them drunk. Upstairs a couple guys flooded (meaning they clogged up the toilet and kept flushing) the pod, i dont know why. In another cell they managed to get into the light fixture and break the bulb, I guess they didnt like the night light
Were I am is still fairly rural , not gonna say what county I work for, dont need this gettin back to them
The loudest, most difficult to deal with are usualy in for just public drunk ,dui or disorderly conduct
If your gonna get wasted, please stay home
So I got home this morning and decided I had earned myself a beer