Wednesday Jun 11, 2003 Jun 11, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email I'm ing New Jersey Nets right now! {The O Man Grabs another Heineken} Woo Hoo! p.s. Hey SG's Give SG member Deez some Big hugs for me!! Ciao For Now The O Man maelwys: Enjoy the game? Having a fridge full o beer helps as well. XComs pretty good, I been in a bit of a retro mood with games recently. Have to get my Commodore 64 out for a dust off soon Jun 11, 2003 captain_deez: Thank's! I'm feelin better already! Hope you have a great weekend! Cheers!!! -deez- Jun 12, 2003
XComs pretty good, I been in a bit of a retro mood with games recently. Have to get my Commodore 64 out for a dust off soon
Hope you have a great weekend! Cheers!!!