Sunday Aug 25, 2002 Aug 25, 2002 0 Facebook Tweet Email YIPPEE YIPPEE YAY PAULIE O WANNA SAY SUNDAY IS F'ING FUNDAY ^_^ SUMMER SLAM IS HOURS AWAY. WOO HOO VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS the_o_man: Hey There ;-) WAAZZZZUP ...GLAD TO HEAR ALL IS WELL ^_^ TALK TO YA SOON ...IT'S GAME TIME WOO HOO! Aug 25, 2002 goatsgotohell: The mighty Rock falls ....thank jeebus! I'm glad Brock won ... and actually was fairly impressed with most of the pay per view for once. I'm a picky bastard since I've been watching for like 20 years now. Aug 25, 2002
I'm glad Brock won ... and actually was fairly impressed with most of the pay per view for once.
I'm a picky bastard since I've been watching for like 20 years now.