A very Long Time Ago
Due to a power outage at the time in The Land of O Man , only one paramedic responded to the call. The house was very, very dark, so DeezMedic asked Lil Abbadon,
a 3 year old boy, to hold a flashlight high over his mommy so he could
see while he helped deliver the baby.
Very diligently, Lil Abbadon...
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a 3 year old boy, to hold a flashlight high over his mommy so he could
see while he helped deliver the baby.
Very diligently, Lil Abbadon...
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I don't have a damn thing to do today

I have used that excuse many times before
Enjoy your booze up, I'm preparing for my all-dayer!
Take it easy

Enjoy your booze up, I'm preparing for my all-dayer!
Take it easy

make a quilt.
Hi There & Hello
I can't believe it's Tuesday
Well anyways, I have been busy hanging in the sun , swimming ,drinking ,eating & more drinking Yea ...that's about it. Well back to the chores. Hope all is well with all of you! Ciao For Now
Paulie O

The Muppets was great
Takes me back a while, I remember watching it after school years ago.
I don't remember the song in question but then they have done so many.
Ah, sounds very relaxing for you. Nice one!

I don't remember the song in question but then they have done so many.
Ah, sounds very relaxing for you. Nice one!
Happy Friggin Thursday!
ARRR!!!! You are now a pirate!!
Rank of BREW MASTER!!!!
-Captain Deez-
Rank of BREW MASTER!!!!
-Captain Deez-

But tis Sunday me old mucker!
Journey Concert Tonight

Wowser it's been 4 full days of drinking , BBQ'ing and hanging in the pool
Now it's time for some food shopping & then cleanup time
Well after that it's back to the pool
Ciao For Now Folks
The O Man

Nice!! Wish I had a pool!
Cheers!! Paulie O!
Cheers!! Paulie O!
Lucky blighter, I could really do with a swim right now.
Glad your weekend was a good 'un. Bad luck on the cleaning up part, always the worst thing after some partying.
Glad your weekend was a good 'un. Bad luck on the cleaning up part, always the worst thing after some partying.
Holy Shit
All F'ing day i thought it was Tuesday...*lol* Jeez Louise it's fucking Wednesday
In a couple of hours it will be Thursday
Damn has this ever happend to you...

Dude...it happens to me. Only it's "years" not "days."
Wait! It's 2003?!
Wait! It's 2003?!
I take it you'll be raising a few jars today?
I'll raise a few to you tonight, have a good holiday pissup!
I'll raise a few to you tonight, have a good holiday pissup!
Why Hello There
Hope all is well with all of you!
Ciao For Now
Paulie O

The recipe looks good. I'll give that a bash this weekend. I'll probably have to use the english equivalents for the ingredients, but that won't be a problem.
That sounds like a crazy sunday afternoon. Must have been like a caberet entertainment while you eat. Chair lobbing, insults and a quick bunk over the fence. Wonder why he done a runner. Pity you couldn't video it, the neighbours sound like they have based themselves on The Young Ones. Sound files would be very entertaining
I take it EDP is a politicaly correct way of saying that she's got a screw loose then?
Look forwards to hearing more on this bunch
Catch you later mate.
That sounds like a crazy sunday afternoon. Must have been like a caberet entertainment while you eat. Chair lobbing, insults and a quick bunk over the fence. Wonder why he done a runner. Pity you couldn't video it, the neighbours sound like they have based themselves on The Young Ones. Sound files would be very entertaining

Look forwards to hearing more on this bunch

Catch you later mate.
Hey, thanks. New pic eh? I will keep my eye out for that stool. Hope things goin well... have fun.
Did ya ever hear the version of "Abbey Road" by Tori Amos? I
it! Have a great weekend SG's
The Paulie O PlayHouse opens at 3 p.m. today! Jimmy D if ya read this bring ICE the fridge is maxxed out..........Ciao For Now
Paulie O

yes I have heard it. perfect!
At least your fridge works
at least I get my new one today.
How did your weekend go?

How did your weekend go?
Hello SG's


Sounds like you had a more awkward time of than me moving the couch. I don't fancy doing all that. Yeah, my gaff came furnished, although I added some of my own, so the landlord was replacing his furniture. Still good stuff
Very comfy. The new fridge should be arriving sometime tomorrow. Not looking forwards to that, cos I know I'll have a hangover when it comes.
My mum's doing fine, vaguely mobile now on crutches, which makes her happier. The dogs still wary of it all
he doesn't like change. Sulked like hell when me and my brothers moved out over the last couple of years.
Glad to hear the gnashers are not giving you much jip, alcohol is a pretty good cure usually
Good luck on Monday for the next lot. Have a good weekend.

My mum's doing fine, vaguely mobile now on crutches, which makes her happier. The dogs still wary of it all

Glad to hear the gnashers are not giving you much jip, alcohol is a pretty good cure usually

Now that sounds like a good evening out! Hope you enjoyed it. I'll be finally out in a pub today after illness
Blessed beer!