At the time I was convinced i'd fucked up that exam pretty royal. Not quite sure how I managed to do the complete opposite of that, right to the other end of the spectrum. I'm finding it has actually made at least a small difference to my playing. I still struggle like buggery to ever come up with anything half decent, but give me a CD backing track and I can improvise something at least tolerable over it. Scales ftw
I have seen the following movies within the past fortnight or so
Quite good, I thought. Pretty much follows the same formula as Zwick's other movies in that the whole thing is fairly slow burning and poignant with the occasional explosion to stop you trying to touch up your friend. Liev Schrieber is easily the best thing about it.
Role Models
Actually made LARPing look like fun, even when I know its not. I'm a total mark for Paul Rudd anyway, but when you throw in McLovin and a silly amount of jokes about KISS then i was bound to enjoy it. Consistently funny with the odd spot of pure genius
The Wrestler
Heartbreaking and ridiculously well acted. Showed a great respect for the industry and its fans. Really is as good as everybody makes out.
My Bloody Valentine 3D
Scientific proof that shit films are slightly less shit when they move outwards towards your face. Under no circumstances should this be watched in 2D.
This weekend I'm hoping to at least check out Valkyrie and maybe some of the other stuff like Frost/Nixon assuming my local Cineworld is even bothering with them.
Car repairs were made for a minor, intermittent problem that proved annoying if it happened more than a couple of times. 160 worse off and the problem hasnt gone away. Work's guaranteed so thats slightly less annoying, although I'm not sure when I can get the damn thing back to the garage because I need it. Balls
I'll be seeing some of you on the 31st; after working from 8am-12pm and then taking a 4-hour train journey. Apologies in advance if I'm something of a crabby cunt at the time

Congratulations on passing your exam with a Distinction 

I really have to see The Wrestler badly... sounds like such a cool film.