Well, no turning back now. Forms are filled out, fees have been paid - I now have a guitar exam next month. Christ knows why my tutor decided to skip 2 exams and shove me straight onto Grade 2 though. Perhaps he wants to see me fail
In all seriousness, I'm fairly confident. The sections on just playing requested chords and scales, and improvising a solo using scales shouldn't pose too much of a problem for me. I know the patterns and it's not like theyre expecting Steve Vai levels of awesomeness. Just need to play at a steady rhythm, and use some little tricks like hammer-ons and bends. Like i say, fairly confident.
Rhythm on the other hand, can fuck right off. Scale patterns are easy, its only ever one note at a time. Chords on the other hand involve me trying to get my stupid fingers to move into specified spaces instantly, instead of just becoming a mass of flesh on the fretboard.
In all honesty I've not been practising as much as I should be. I've been playing for about a year now and am making pretty damn slow progress because its too easy to spend my time watching movies or if playing the guitar at all - playing stuff i find immediately more fun for now. At the moment, it does seem a little bit like a chore even though I know it'll all be worth it in the end. From here on out I'm commiting to a BARE MINIMUM of an hour practice a day. No more fucking slacking!
I had thought I'd buy myself some kind of guitar-based gift for myself provided I pass. Unfortunately my 2 main guitar desires cost 400 and 850 respectively, which means that kind of incentive is at odds with my desire to clear my overdraft.
From here on out it's part of my daily schedule, no matter the circumstances

In all seriousness, I'm fairly confident. The sections on just playing requested chords and scales, and improvising a solo using scales shouldn't pose too much of a problem for me. I know the patterns and it's not like theyre expecting Steve Vai levels of awesomeness. Just need to play at a steady rhythm, and use some little tricks like hammer-ons and bends. Like i say, fairly confident.
Rhythm on the other hand, can fuck right off. Scale patterns are easy, its only ever one note at a time. Chords on the other hand involve me trying to get my stupid fingers to move into specified spaces instantly, instead of just becoming a mass of flesh on the fretboard.
In all honesty I've not been practising as much as I should be. I've been playing for about a year now and am making pretty damn slow progress because its too easy to spend my time watching movies or if playing the guitar at all - playing stuff i find immediately more fun for now. At the moment, it does seem a little bit like a chore even though I know it'll all be worth it in the end. From here on out I'm commiting to a BARE MINIMUM of an hour practice a day. No more fucking slacking!
I had thought I'd buy myself some kind of guitar-based gift for myself provided I pass. Unfortunately my 2 main guitar desires cost 400 and 850 respectively, which means that kind of incentive is at odds with my desire to clear my overdraft.
From here on out it's part of my daily schedule, no matter the circumstances

From what I've seen you'll be fine, but good luck anyway. If you like you could transfer all your stuff to my place so you've got no distractions.

Thank you very much.