Ok so firstly Merry Christmas to everybody
With it being Christmas i actually have some time off now, so I'm in bed typing this out on my spiffy new laptop. Screw family togetherness, I'd rather wallow in my nerd hole and relax. Here's a breakdown of everything that's happened recently.
Batman obsession comes back
SPOILERS! (Click to view) I have a LOT of comic books. Ask
Watch_It_Burn or look for the photo in my attachments. Normally i have no real preference in characters though. My collection of trades runs right from Ultimate Spider-Man to Green Lantern and back to Daredevil, with a lot of stuff in between.
Being the fickle bastard that I am, I found myself in a Batman kinda mood after seeing the trailer for The Dark Knight. Since then I have either been concentrating on buying up shitloads that i didnt already have, or re-reading the ones that I do. The main plus point to come from all this is that it seems the area manager who dislikes me is a giant Batman fan. This gave us something to converse about lately and i think he hates me that little bit less now.
Manchester Meet
SPOILERS! (Click to view) Can't believe I haven't mentioned this yet. I guess i'm just very lazy. Had an awesome weekend in Manchester with some of the reprobates from SGUK. Despite some navigational problems from
Killa_ and
Rael we managed to hold the fort in the Font Bar where myself,
Zamuzel and
Narshada drank lots of cocktails and played the most gentlemanly game of Pro Evo EVER. It was a close-run affair with Sam beating me 1-0. We shook hands like proper men and then went back to the drinking.
Finally the girls showed up, and talk of favourite breakfasts and creepy stalkers became the soundtrack of the gay cocktail drinking competition. Later on we moved onto Rock Kitchen where my drinking slowed down considerably and I got a weird look from the DJ when i requested "New Noise" by Refused. I mean really, what kind of half-arsed rock DJ doesnt have that song!?
A night of cheap individual pizza and hugging (there was no dancing, i swear) became a morning of confused hangover. I awoke in the hostel to find Sam had already retreated and i was alone in a room full of strange people. I quickly got myself ready and then trudged around market street trying to find somewhere i could buy a toothbrush at 9:30 in the morning since I had forgotten mine.
After finding Sam by a big christmas tree we made our way to the station to get some breakfast. Eventually we were met by everybody else and hung around for an hour or so listening to bad Mariah Carey christmas music and that fucking Pogues song that i hate so much. Then it was time for shopping, when true to form I dragged people into Forbidden Planet and made them wait while I struggled to choose from their array of treasures.
After much more ribbing about the whole "Face of an angel" thing, everyone else made their way home and i waited for my train. Overall it was a very enjoyable weekend. Thanks for everyone who made it so awesome, and I hope to be in Birmingham in March - if not a sooner meet

Manchester the Aftermath
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Aftermath may not be the nicest term for what arose from the meeting in Manchester, but it amuses me so I'll use it. After meeting somebody for the first time in Manchester we kind of hit it off and arranged to hang out this past weekend. In short it was absolutely awesome, and put a giant smile on my face after a very stressful retail-based christmas period
I met her straight from work at the train station so already I was at a disadvantage. Wearing my "I Love Fat Chris" t-shirt and probably smelling quite bad. I drove us out to the hotel we'd be staying at before our actual day out. She seemed less scared than she really should've been given that i couldn't really see too well out of my windscreen, and would actually take my eyes off the road when she pointed out something in the sky
On the Sunday we had a nice breakfast and made our way over to the Blue Planet Aquarium. We saw shark porn, and I chuckled at how she got motion sickness on a motorised walkway that went maybe 0.5 miles an hour. There were no annoying children smacking the glass because they love clownfish like Nemo, and in the gift shop they had Steve Irwin action figures. Coupled with the awesomeness of slush puppies this made for a cool morning out, even if the signs were a bit fucked up and we didnt ever find the otters.
Later on we did some half-arsed shopping in about 6 shops. I dragged her to Borders so i could find some Batman books, only to find they were out of stock and she wound up spending nearly 30 on books because of the temptation. Sorry! HMV was far too crowded so we left within about 30 seconds. Then we went to the awesome Chinese restaurant nearby for lunch. I was a little disheartened at the lack of sushi on offer compared to my previous trips there, but the abundance of lemon chicken more than made up for it.
Struggling to make my way out of the car park we were about 2 hours ahead of schedule for the train station, with nothing to do. Remembering that she'd practically begged to go to the beach the day before, I took her out there as some kind of rubbish pseudo-surprise while she was asleep (not drugged

) in the passenger seat. By the time we got there it was quite dark, freezing fucking cold and there were puddles everywhere. I thought it was the stupidest thing I'd ever done. She seemed to quite like it.
We stopped for some tea before going for the train, but left it too late before leaving. Cue a mad dash through the annoying one-way system of Rhyl, arriving at the train platform maybe 30 seconds before the train arrived. I had an AWESOME weekend, so if you're reading thank you VERY much. It seriously made me the happiest I've been in a while
Now my Christmas choice. It's not nearly as drastic as Sophie's choice but I'm still finding it hard to decide. I have a bit of Christmas money left and can't decide what to do with it. Opinions on the following 2 options please:
(1) Put it towards a nice pair of designer glasses
As some of you know, I wear contacts. The problem I have is that I've been wearing them for years and have not updated the prescription in my old glasses. The frames are too thin to simply re-lens them, and whenever my contacts get too dry and I have to take them out, I can't see as well. They do fine for sitting inside and watching TV, but they could be a little better.
(2) Put it towards a new tattoo
Lately I've been considering a new tattoo that I'm tempted by now. Basically i want a swarm of very simple black bats on my left forearm, starting quite small by my wrist and getting progressively bigger up towards my elbow, kinda spiraling round my lower arm.
Alternatively, I'll just end up spending the money on comics or DVDs or something. Who knows?
I really hope everyone has an awesome christmas and new year. Retail is a bit of a bitch at this time of year, and its a real pain working for a company that insists on opening its stores on Boxing Day and New Years Day, but thems the brakes I guess. I work to live, not vice versa....so if enduring an annoyingly busy shift tomorrow means I have the money to buy the things that make me happy, or attend more meets with you guys then its well worth it. I hope to see many of you in the coming year